Damn You Safety!
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You look up at the titaness using her foot to fiddle with the door knob. It was quite the sight to behold, even if you were at regular size. I just goes to show how people can overcome hardships in their lives. It also made you realize why she wore the boy's uniform. If she was wearing a skirt, she'd be exposing herself every time she had to reach for something.

"You got a key?" Rin asks, pulling you from your thoughts.

Then it hit you. "Augh!" You shout in frustration. "I locked my door!"

"I know," She replies calmly. "A lot of people around here don't bother. With guards and the stigma that stealing from disabled kids is bad, theft is pretty much non-existent. Most people here don't have much worth taking anyway. I've only got my clothes and some art supplies. Plus I find that keys are tricky to work without hands.

While she rambles you frantically check your pockets to see if the key had shrunk with you. The good news is that it didn't. You must have left it in your bag. The bad news is that your bag was back in the classroom, meaning this trip was a waste of time. You hop off of the sandal to get some fresher air.

"Rin!" You shout up. She stops talking and looks down at you, her face as expressionless as ever. "I left my key in my bag back in class 3-2.

"That wasn't too smart," She replies. This girl has no tact...

"If I had it on me then it would be too small for us to use now."

"How's that?"

"Anything on me when I shrink shrinks with me."

She looks closely at you. "Oh yeah, you still have your clothes. I didn't notice."

"Did you not realize I wasn't naked?"

An indifferent shrug is the only response you get. "How does that work anyway?"

"I don't know Rin, it just does." She doesn't seem too satisfied with that answer but it was the truth. "I'm sorry to ask you for another favor but we're gonna need to go get that key before we can get into my room."

Rin frowns slightly, "I have painting I need to do. I've still got a lot of work to do on my mural before the weekend."

"How about I promise to help you with your mural?" You offer. The last thing you need is for her to abandon you on your own doorstep.


"Yeah really. I mean I'm not particularly artistic but it's the least I can do to repay you.

She seems to think for a moment before nodding. "Ok." She slides her sandal back and and gestures for you to hop back on.
February 17
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