Rin Gets Cheeky
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You hear a voice, muffled by the fabric and flesh surrounding you. Whoever it was, it made Rin stop. Without the sound of grinding fabric, you can hear the rest of the conversation.

"Tezuka, what are you doing wandering the halls? Class started 10 minutes ago," A female voice says.

"Did it? I wonder if that's why it's so empty on campus," Rin replies in her usual tone.

"Yes Tezuka, you are late for class and I'm taking you there post haste," The stranger continues.

"I need to do something first," Rin declines.

"Ah yes, Nomiya mentioned you were making a painting or something for the festival."

"That's next. Right now I'm helping out the new transfer student."

"Is that right? I haven't met him yet. Where is he, maybe I can help or at least introduce myself."

"He's in my pants."

You guffaw at that last part, if only due to her deadpan delivery as if she didn't realize her innuendo.

"Tezuka, you know how I feel about dirty jokes!" The other voice scolds.

"What joke?" Rin asks sounding genuinely unsure. You feel the skin around you contract slightly before releasing you. "He's partway up my butt right now."

"That's it little missy, you're coming with me."

"Owowow," Rin cries as you are both suddenly jerked into motion. Seems the teacher had enough of Rin's alledged rudeness and began dragging her by the ear to her next class. She takes Rin to ______ class.
February 17
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