Yes (curious)
· original author:
Your eyes darted from object to object as you separately scanned your surroundings for anything that could help you. There has to be something! Giant paintbrush, giant dried paint splashes, giant foot, giant-- wait, giant foot!? You avert your gaze back to the aforementioned foot and look up to see Rin's poker face staring down at you.

"Are you imaginary?"

You fell back in fear of the sheer enormity of the girl in front of you.


"I could've sworn you were a little taller than me a second ago. Now you're not. So, are you a figment of my somewhat overacting imagination or what?"

Her surprisingly relaxed manner to this whole situation puts you somewhat at ease. At least she isn't freaking out and trying to squish you. Though, you wish she would stop tapping her big toe on the floor like that...

"I'm not imaginary. I'm real. I have a condition."

"No kidding." Rin deadpans. You aren't entirely sure where to take the conversation from here but Rin solves that problem for you. "Hold still."

Before you even have time to ask what the hell she meant, she raises her foot and lowers it down over you.

"WAIT! STOP! NOOOO!!" you plead. This is it. This psycho is going to squish you. Your first day of Yamaku and you're going to die like a bug.

As her foot came close, you tried to push against it. You dug your nails into her sole in a feeble attempt to ward her off. Unphased by your retalliation, she scrunches her toes around your body and lifts her foot. You try to scream but your voice is muffled and the smell of her feet are proving it a challenge to even breath, let alone speak.

Great. It's worse than you though. You aren't going to die like a bug. Bugs get squashed.
Quick and efficient. You're about to suffocate between a girls toes. Slow and disgusting. By comparison, a bug dies a heroes death in this situation.

Just as it looked completely hopeless, you were released from your god awful fate at the clutches of Rin's toes. You are on a new surface. This one is wooden and slightly warm. Unlike the cold floor from earlier. This surface was also noticeably higher up. You turned around and saw Rin with that same poker face, even creepier up close.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" You scooted backwards to escape the the behemoth who recently tried to murder you.



"No I didn't."

"You tried squash me!"

"I was picking you up."

"With your feet!?"

Rin looks at the stumps she possesses instead of arms them back at you.

"...Right, sorry. But you could have at least warned me."

"I said hold still."

"I don't know what that means!"

"You do now."

Arguing with her is futile.

"Why did you need to put me up here anyway?"

Rin climes up onto the same surface as you and dragged her lunch over to her.

"I wasn't finished eating. Didn't want you down there on your own. Might get stepped on."

"Ah. Well, thanks, I guess."

Rin holds a forkful of rice and points it at you.


Now that she mentions it...

"I could eat."

"Go ahead." She waves the fork ever so slightly at you and you dig in. Grain by singular grain of rice.

"Thanks." you continue to eat your rice until you think of something to say. "Hey, Rin? How come where I'm standing is so warm?" Rin smiles.

"That's where I was sitting. It seems you're basking in my butt warmth."

"Ah. Well, thats just great."

First day of Yamaku; shrunk, almost squished, almost suffocated, and now you're being fed rice by a giant foot. Looks like you made a friend.

What happens next?
February 17
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