A Mile in her Shoe
· original author:
The stroll across the campus was intense, at least for you. While Rin absentmindedly made her way to the dorms like any other day, you were getting a very different view of your new school. The outside world was fairly alien to you at this size. You could get lost for days in the grass if you fell off of your new friend's foot, and that was if you didn't get trampled. Most of the traffic was heading back towards the classrooms as lunch was nearly over. While you knew that they probably wouldn't try to step on Rin's foot, it was still scary. The simple footsteps of your classmate's sounded like heavy machinery designed for smashing bug sized people. One person kicked a pebble and it whizzed right past your head before glancing off of Rin's ankle. She might not have reacted from the impact, but you almost had a heart attack from nearly getting your head knocked off. You held on tight to the worn leather of the sandal, doing your best to endure to stench of feet. It was a warm day and before the end of the walk, Rin's feet were starting to sweat a little. The rank odor and lurching movement from every step are nearly enough to take your mind off of the fear of death.

Before too long, the sun disappeared and the sidewalk was replaced with carpeting. You had made it to the boy's dorm. Before you can breath a sigh of relief, Gravity shifts in a familiar, yet still unpleasant way as Rin brings you up to her face.

"Never been in here before," She says, her expression as blank as ever. "Looks pretty similar to the girl's dorm though."

"Can't say I've seen the girl's dorm so I couldn't tell you," You reply, glad that the movement had finally stopped.

"Which room is yours?"

"Ah, sure. I was up a few floors and at the end of the hall." Before you can ask her to take the elevator to spare you the trip up the stairs, she resumes walking. The stairs end up not being too bad fortunately and in another minute, you are in front of your dorm room.

"Your name is weird," Rin blurts out as she looks at your nameplate. She slips her foot out of her sandal, causing you to fall flat on your back against the soft, sweaty material. She reaches with her foot to turn the knob and...
February 17
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