No Butts About It
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Looking back at Rin, she was now lying on the ground with both of her legs bent back. "It's a little trickier, but this will keep you safer. Just don't tell anyone what color they are," She says as she pinches at her waistband. You quickly figure out what she is doing, but you don't want to believe it. I try to protest but her squeezing toes prevent you from getting a good breath. When you could finally fill your lungs enough to shout, you were already plummeting down towards her pale, round cheeks.

You made contact with her silky panties and slid down the sheer slope into the darkness. Your slide was cut short by the release of the band, launching both you and the underwear towards her crack. The fatty globes jiggle from the slam, absorbing most of the force. Now pinned between the cloth and her skin, you pressed against the walls in an attempt to at least get more comfortable. Before you could find a position though, the muscles beneath you began to tense. Shifting skin and gravity signaled that Rin was getting back up. When she began walking, the grinding started. Supple flesh and striped fabric rubbed you from every direction. If they both weren't so incredibly soft there is no doubt you would have been torn apart. You were only freed when she made it to the stairs and the bouncing started. After several floors of erratic shaking, you found yourself in a small pocket of space between her cheeks.

Finally able to breathe, you fill your lungs with a deep breath. The smell, fortunately, is not nearly as bad as you feared. The scent of sweat was thick and pungent, but it was mixed with a trace of laundry soap. No trace of filth or skid-marks, guess her lack of arms doesn't hinder her ability to wipe. The cheeks were still moving back and forth with every step, but the force was no longer directly on you. Surprisingly, this does seem to be an upgrade from her nasty sandal.
February 17
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