An artistic flair
· original author:
Your first day at Yamaku High! You were admitted to the school after it was discovered you had a disease so rare that some people didn't think it was possible. Every so often, you just randomly shrink! Kind of like a reverse growth spurt, only much faster, and much more significant. Also, for some bizarre reason you didn't understand, your clothes would somehow shrink with you! It didn't seem possible, and was scientifically inexplicable, without further research but it happened. The school nurse had given you a prescription that would lessen the effects, and even allow you to grow back to your original size after a short time, but it was still pretty intense. Your first classes had gone well, but now it was lunch time and you wanted to take a chance to get to see the school. Also, you were pretty hungry!

You walked through the halls, lunchbox in hand. Seeing as it was lunch time, you figured you should take your prescription. You fumbled around in your pocket pocket for a moment, locating some loose change. But not your prescription. You started a moment, and checked your other pocket. Not there either! Oh no! You were sure you'd grabbed them this morning! Could you have left them in your classroom? Or had they fallen out!? To make matters worse, you felt a rush coming on! You were about to shrink!

In a panic, you ducked into the first classroom you found-- the art room. It didn't look like anyone was in it. With all the dust everywhere this room couldn't be used that often. Right? You feel the rush pass. Phew. You must have only lost a few centimeters. But you had to be more careful! There was no guarantee that you'd be safe from these effects every time. You look around the room, and give a sudden start, when you see two green eyes staring at you from the window. Looks like you weren't alone afterall!

There was a girl sitting on the windowsill, though she was wearing a boy's uniform, though she was barefoot. At a glance you almost mistook her for part of the background, a furnishing or a statue, she'd been sitting so still. Great. You almost shrank in public, and you were blind as a bat. We stared at each other for a few moments, before she shifted slightly towards you, her legs dangling towards the floor, where you noticed a pair of abandoned sandals. You also noticed, quite clearly, that the girl was missing her arms. You almost felt a pang of pity to her. It must be hard without arms. Though, you suppose you had just as debilitating a problem as she did. Yamaku was probably full of people like you and her. Well. Maybe not specifically like you.

"Hello." So she finally spoke.

"Ah... hi." You reply awkwardly.

"This room doesn't usually have people in it." She stated. Very blunt.

"Umm... yeah. I just erm.... had to catch my breath! The halls made me feel a bit claustrophobic." You lied. She studied your face for a moment. Did she suspect your lie?

"I was eating." She said. Now that she mentions it, you notice a tray of food on the windowsill beside her, a fork placed on it.

"Sorry?" You say, unsure of the answer she was expecting. You briefly wondered how she ate. There was another awkward silence, before she turned back to her foot. Lifting one leg quite flexibly, she grabbed her fork between her toes. You almost had to admire her dexterity. She ate from her tray using her feet as well as you would have with your hands. Everyone had to find a way to cope, you supposed.

"My name is Rin. If you won't mind me I won't mind you." She said, seeming to have lost interest in me. You breathe a small sigh of relief. Rin, huh? Well. Seemed she was ignoring you. You may as well get out and try to find your medication in case another rush occurred. But, as you turned for the door, you felt it occur suddenly. Another one! Oh no....

The room around you swam, and extended. This was gonna be a big one... And unfortunately, you're right. Within an instant, everything in the room towers over you. Oh geez.... You couldn't be much taller than one or two inches tall! This first day at Yamaku was quickly turning into a nightmare! Speaking of which, you nervously glanced in Rin's direction. She had seemed pretty zoned out, but had she noticed your sudden shrinking? Then again, maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing. She seemed a little off, but maybe she could help you find your medication so you could return to normal! Had she noticed you?
February 17
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