You ask Rin to take you to get your meds.
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You wait patiently for Rin to finish eating before asking her to escort you back to your room. She doesn't seem like the kind of person you should bother when she's eating.

"So, Rin... I need to ask you favor?"

"Okay. What?"

"Well, I kind of need to go back to my room to get my medicine."

"Don't let me keep you. I was planning on getting some sleep anyways."

"Well, no, that's not what I'm worried about. I'm sort of a bit small."

"Yeah. I know. That's why you need to go get your medicine."

"And you don't see anything wrong with that?"

"No. It makes sense. You have a condition. Medication is pretty typical among you guys, right?"

You sigh. Looks like you're gonna have to just come right out and say it.

"Rin, I need help getting back to my room. I'm too small to make the journey safely on my own."

She pauses for a while then looks off out the window.


"Can you do that for me..?" God, please let this conversation be over.


"Alright. Thank you."

You both stay put for a good minute of awkward silence. You're both thinking the same thing...

"How is this gonna work?" you finally ask.

"I don't know. I guess you could ride on my sandal." you look at her feet, remembering the horror you were put through. Could you cope with that smell for an entire journey? Would you even be able to stay on? Then again, what's the alternative? She can't exactly hold you like anyone else could. There's always her shoulder but falling off would mean certain death. Looks like you're going with her suggestion. You swallow a big lump of anxiety before taking a few steps towards her big toe.

"Looks like that's just the way it's gonna be. You mind if we do this now?"

"Nope. Hold still."

You backed away quickly, knowing full well what 'hold still' meant this time around.

"Woah, woah, woah!! Let me strap myself in, huh?" you side stepped your way between her big toe and second toe and grabbed on tight. Rin's toes tightened also and she lifted you off the ledge and dropped you on the floor. That time was much better than the last. No fear of death, the smell was still something to put up with but you'll just have to deal with it.

Rin slipped into her sandals and gently poked you with one.

"Hop on."

You jumped and pulled yourself onto the worn surface of the footwear. Deciding you'd need some kind of seat belt device, you, once again, took refuge between Rin's toes and held onto the sandal strap like a roller coaster.

"Ready?" she asked. You patted down on her foot, signalling the get-go. And then you were off.

The ride was nice and smooth until she exited the art room. Then, after seeing the vast expanse of giants and the stomping feet of your enormous classmates surrounding you, you felt terrified. It was as if the entire world had slowed down and every step was magnified. The strap pressed far too tightly around your chest and you could hardly breathe. Whenever you got the opportunity to take in one of these elusive breaths, nine times out of then they were contaminated with the hot aroma of Rin's feet. This was unbearable. You had to get out of this, or at the very least, pray you get to your room very soon lest you vomit.
February 17
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