Making Bad Memories
· original author:
"C-Calm down. Y-You've got to calm down..."

The hours passed, and you showed no signs of calming down. You seemed to have gotten smaller during the whole fiasco, as you could fit underneath the dresser with ease.

Still, despite your mind trying to make things better, your body refused to budge from your spot. It didn't help that you broke your arm last night. You had just gone through the fifth-worst thing to happen to you while shrunk, after all.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

You almost jumped out of your skin at the sudden loud banging at the door. With it, you worked up the courage to poke your head just out of your sanctuary to see what's going on.

The noise seemed to knock your friend/tormentor out of her rest, and she blearily yelped as the pink nightgown wearing giantess rose from her sleep, no doubt experiencing the mother of all hangovers.

"Hanako, it's me!"

That was Lilly's voice. She must've been here to check up on Hanako in the morning.

"C-Coming..." Hanako stumbled. With the alcohol gone, the drunken maniac was once again replaced by the meek girl that you knew and loved. Still, you didn't exactly feel comfortable around Hanako at the moment. Did she not remember anything that happened last night while she was inebriated?

She opened the door, revealing the smiling Lilly behind it.

"Good morning, Hanako. I trust you had a good night's sleep?" a chipper Lilly said. Hanako smiled softly, but pursed her lips in thought.

"Y-Yes. L-Last night was... fun. Why are you here so early?" she asked.

"Ara, I just thought I'd check up on you this morning. You were quite the drinker last night, if I do say so myself. Nick was quite the gentleman to escort you back."

"O-Oh... yes. Nick... did he go back to his room afterward? I r-remember him escorting me home... I must've fallen asleep right after..."

Hanako couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something felt wrong.

"Hmm, is there something wrong?" Lilly asked.

Hanako tried to recall more of the previous night, but things seemed to go black after the party. That is, until...
February 17
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