Little and Too Late
· original author:
"A janitor?" You repeat back.

"Y-yeah," She replies. "They need to clean every night because of s-some kids c-conditions. I-if they find anything that was left behind they..." She pauses. "T-they take it to the lost and found."

You sigh, "I don't suppose I can ask for a lift to the lost and found?"

"Ummmm," She mutters. She starts fidgeting with her fingers. With you in her palm it was a little startling. You could see that she was squeezing her hands very hard, clearly still nervous. "I-I don't k-know where it is." Well that is unfortunate. You had no idea yourself where it was seeing as this was your first day. "Sorry, I just don't lose my things so I-" She cuts herself off and you go shooting up as she brings her hand to her face. "Not that you're dumb or anything for losing your... Sorry!" Her sudden burst of volume and emotion shocks you. Judging from her face it looks like she's about to cry.

"It's ok," You say, trying to console her. "It's not your fault."

"No," She shakes her head. "If I had h-helped you before, your bag would still be here. I'm useless."

Her eyes were looking like they were about to let loose a flood. You weren't much of a man right now but you couldn't forgive yourself if you made this girl cry, even if she was a little overly sensitive. "Please don't blame yourself," You call out. "I forgot my meds, I left my bag here, I got off on the wrong floor, and..." You have to pause for a moment, "I'm the one with the stupid condition. You were just the one that gave me a hand."

She stares at you. Her purple, misty eyes locked on you. It was impossible to see her mouth from this close so you weren't sure what she was feeling. You both just stood there in silence for a minute before you decided to say something. "I guess you could just set me on the teachers desk or something. I'll talk to him in the morning when class starts. He can probably help me out."

She snaps out of whatever daze she was in and moves her hand a bit away from her face. "Y-you're just gonna stay here? All night long?" She says in a concerned voice. You shrug, not really having any better ideas. She frowns and bows her head a little bit. After another minute she speaks. "I can't just leave you here. Something might happen." She wasn't wrong. If the janitors made another sweep they might throw you out. The teacher might not spot you before crushing you under a stack of papers or someone less nice might try to play with you. "Um... I could take y-you to..."
February 17
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