Making Happy Memories
· original author:
Several weeks have gone by and Hanako's birthday is coming up. For some reason though, she takes real issue with the idea of celebrating it or even discussing it. Unfortunately Lilly didn't know why and it seemed unwise to press Hanako on the topic. What's more, Lilly was going to be leaving for a little while to visit her family in Scotland. Hanako seems to be in a real funk but we somehow manage to convince her to allow us to have a small party for her. It will also function as a bit of a send off for Lilly and she might even get her older sister to show up. You went out with Lilly a few days ago to look for a birthday present. After searching most of the city, you found a cute doll that looked like it would go with the one Hanako already had. That ended up being Lilly's gift, but the store where you found it was a bit outside of your price range. Lilly offered to say that the doll was from both of you (partly because you had to pick it out) but you wanted to do something more. Hanako was really special to you. In the past when people had found you during one of your shrinking episodes, they weren't always the most helpful. Many had mocked or toyed with you in the past when you were vulnerable, but she was different. Truthfully you might even be falling for her, but you didn't know if telling her so would scare her away. In the end, you ended up making Hanako a charm bracelet with the help of the art club. You were a little nervous about presenting someone with a handmade gift now that you weren't and elementary school student but you really tried to make something that you thought she might like.

It's the eve of the party and you were about to knock on Lilly's door. It was going to be a small get together likely similar to the tea party they had invited you to once before. You had with you your gift, and a small chocolate cake. You took an extra swig of your medicine earlier, surely enough to get through the night without incident. *knock knock*

"Who is it?" You hear Lilly call out.

"It's Nick," You reply.

You hear movement from inside the room followed by the sound of the door unlocking. You were greeted by Lilly. She was wearing a blue set of silk pajamas. She motioned you in and locked the door behind you. At the table already was Hanako, wearing her familiar pink nightgown.

"Now that everyone is here we can get started," Lilly says.

"Is Akira busy?" Hanako asks.

Lilly sighs, "Unfortunately." Hanako slumps down a little bit, clearly disappointed. You were a little disappointed too as you had yet to meet the mysterious Akira. You sat down next to Hanako and she perked up a little bit. "However..." Lilly continued. She moved over to her bed and pulled out a paper bag. "She did drop off a gift for you." She set the bag on the table and a small clank came from it. Lilly removed the contents of the bag, a set of glasses and a pair of bottles.

"Wine..." Hanako says in surprise.

"Alcohol? Seriously?" I blurt out.

Lilly giggles, "I know it's a bit questionable, but a little shouldn't hurt."

Apparently Akira wasn't the most responsible adult. Regardless it was here and while you had never drank before, it looked like quality stuff. Lilly moved to open a bottle when we heard a knock at the door. You felt a sudden sense of dread at the prospect of being busted with the contraband.

"Who is it?" Lilly calls out like when you knocked.

"Lemme in, I'm cold!" An unfamiliar voice replies. Lilly sighs and Hanako gets up to open the door. In walked a blonde in a suit. "Happy birthday Hanako."

T-thank you Akira." She replies shyly.

So this is Lilly's sister. There was certainly a strong resemblance but she had a bit of a masculine look to her.

She looks over at you. "So this must be Nick. I'm Satou Akira, nice to meet'cha. You're a bit taller than I expected." She smiles in a teasing way. You glance over at Lilly. Had she told her sister about your condition? Lilly had found out about it before and while you hadn't forbiden her from talking about it... oh well.

Lilly couldn't see your glare but she must have felt it as she as she tried to change the topic. "We were just about to open your gift.

She hands a bottle to you and with a little effort you get it open. Hanako passes the glasses around and you fill them up. "Here's to Hanako, and to Lilly's trip."

"Cheers!" They cry as you all take a drink. The wine is fruity and bold. You had heard that alcohol burned if you weren't used to it but you couldn't feel anything of the sort. Perhaps Akira got something that your untempered palates could enjoy. The girls seemed to like it too judging from the looks on their faces.

"Now that Akira's gift has been opened, shall we move on to ours?" Lilly asks.

"More g-gifts?" Hanako asks surprised.

"Of course," I reply, "this is your birthday party."

Lilly pulled out her gift. Hanako handles the carefully wrapped gift as though it might shatter in her hands. She slowly peals away the paper to reveal the doll you picked out.

"It's... beautiful," Hanako says in awe. You weren't certain if she really liked dolls since she only had the one that you knew of, but the look in her eyes as she examined it was one of happy astonishment.

"I'm glad you like it. It was actually Nick who picked it out," Lilly happily admits.

Hanako suddenly remembers that she's not alone in the room and looks at us. "Y-yes, I like it. T-thank you, Lilly and N-Nick."

"Actually, I got you something else." You pull out my gift and hand it to her. "Happy birthday."

With the same amount of care as the last, she opens my present to her. When she sees the bangle, her eyes light up. "Oh!" She pulls the item from the box and examines each of the charms attached.

"What is it?" Lilly asks. You hadn't told her what you were doing, partially because you didn't know if it was going to work.

"It's a charm bracelet." Hanako replies, now examining the rings that made up the loop.

"My, my. Where ever did you find that Nick?" Lilly asked curious.

"I uh, actually made it," You admit. Suddenly all attention was on you.

"You m-made this for m-me?" Hanako asked stunned.

"Yeah. I had a little help from the art club and I put it together after school the last few days." You were rubbing the back of your head, a little embarrassed.

"Wow!" You heard her whisper. "T-t-thank you Nick."

As she put on the bracelet and held her doll, she looked genuinely happy. It was truly heartwarming to behold. As she showed her new jewelry to Lilly, you looked over at Akira. She had smile on her face as she looked over at her sister and her friend. She gave you a nod as if to say she approved of you.

The party goes on and everyone seems to be having a great time. As you and Lilly sipped your wine, Akira and Hanako seemed to guzzle it down. You thought to tell her to slow down but you decided not to spoil her fun. Unknown to you, the alcohol was having an adverse effect on you medication. It was going to fail and soon. When do you start to shrink?
February 17
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