Slumber Party?!
· original author:
You didn't expect this latest development. Your first day at your new school and you forget your meds, shrink, get discovered by the shyest person you've ever met, and now she was bringing you to her room to spend the night. With your condition and general introvert tendencies you never got close with many girls, at least not close enough to get invited into their rooms. Now this scared, scarred girl you just met was trying her best to help you in your time of need. As she cupped her hand above you so as to hide you from anyone she passes in the hall you realize that you don't even know her name. She was walking much faster now, likely more afraid of being seen by some now than her interacting with you. Through the gap between her hands you could see part of the hall of the girls dorm as it wised by. It seemed identical to the boys dorm aside from the fact that it smelled a little nicer.

Soon she came to a stop in front of a door. She stood their for a while as if she was contemplating her next action. Her hand that was covering you lifted up and she looked as though she was going to knock. Was this her room? The name plate next to the door said "Satou Lilly". You didn't know if that was her name but it seemed a bit odd to knock on your own door. In the end, she doesn't attempt to enter the room and instead moves down to the next door which she quickly opens. Inside you see a small room very similar to yours. She closed the door and locked it before dumping you on her desk. The less than soft impact reminded you of when she ditched you before. You could finally see her face again and she looked as red as ever. Clearly this was not an easy ordeal for her. Again, an awkward silence enveloped the both of you. You tried to lighten the straining atmosphere. "I really, REALLY appreciate you doing all this for me."

"Mmhm," Was all she could muster as a response. She was clearly at her limit and she couldn't exactly run away anymore now that you were in her room. You wanted to be friendly but you were afraid that she might break down from the slightest provocation. Before you could figure out what to do next, she starts moving around her room. She picks up a large pink piece of clothing and a basket of hygiene products. Without a word she unlocks her door and bolts out. It looked like she was going to wash up for bed, or maybe she was just using that as an excuse for some alone time.

With nothing else to do you looked around the room. The walls were white and bare. There wasn't much there but the basic essentials, a desk, a dresser, a bed, a chair, and some shelves. Everything was pretty neutral and nondescript. An elegant, red doll was on one of the shelves, the only thing particularly feminine you could see. On the desk where she left you there was a lamp, some books, and an open bag of cookies. Your stomach growled and you remembered that you hadn't had anything to eat in half a day. Normally you were leery about getting into other people's food whenever you shrank. You had to worry about getting eaten, a truly terrifying though. You figured you were safe though as she would likely be taking her time away from you. You ended up just snacking on some crumbs near the front of the bag. Despite being opened they still tasted fresh. She must have opened it up between the time she found you and came back. At your size they were enough to sate you.

You wiped the micro-crumbs from your face just as you heard the door open again. The giant girl was back and now she was in her sleep attire. She was draped in a huge, pink nightgown. Her school uniform was in a ball under her arm and a towel was wrapped around her head. What little of her face you could see was bright red, whether it was due to a hot shower or her unceasing nervousness you couldn't tell. She put away the things she was carrying but kept the towel on her head, letting it drape down over her right shoulder. She stares at you with a worried expression as if to say "What now?"

You weren't sleepy but you figure that this day has probably had enough excitement for both of you. "I think it might be best if we just went to bed," You say in fake tired voice.

"Oh, ok," she replies. She doesn't move at all but she almost looks a little... sad? She then lets out a cute yawn and you see that she actually was pretty tired. Today's events must have been more stressful on her despite the fact that you were the one who nearly died. With nothing else to do, you curl up and try to get comfortable on the hard desk. Just as you close your eyes you hear a cooing voice. "You're just going to sleep there?" You looked back and see that she had gotten a little closer. She looked slightly concerned, as if she was dissatisfied with your choice of mattress.

"It's ok," You try to assure her, "it's not safe for me to sleep on the floor and I doubt you have any beds my size. Do you?" You end with a joke and chuckle a bit to sound happy. Truthfully it was going to be an uncomfortable sleep.

She doesn't look very happy with that though, you guess she wanted to be a good hostess. She turns her head away from you as she seems to think. Finally, she softly says, "I-I guess I could let you s-sleep i-in..."
February 17
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