Hanako remembers everything.
· original author:
"Nick!!" Hanako yelps as last nights events fade back into her memory. She quickly drops down to her knees and feels around desperately under the desk for your fragile body. Her fingers brush past you and then snap back to grab you.

A meagre "Owwww," is all you can let out as your tired, broken body is dragged out into daylight.

"Oh my goodness, Nick, I-I am so sorry, I--"

"Hanako. It's fine." you interrupt, "You were drunk. You weren't thinking clearly. If you want to make it up to me, you'll take me to my room, get my medicine and take me to the nurse." you felt kind of bad for being so blunt with her, but you were channeling most of your energy into not screaming from the pain shooting through your arm.

"O-okay. Sorry." Hanako replied after swallowing a lump in her throat.

The walk over to the boys dorm was a quiet one. Passers-by gave you weird looks as you sat in the palm of Hanako's hand. Didn't bother you much though. People always stare at you. You remember this must be the first time many students at Yamaku have seen you shrunk for the first time. The door to your room was unlocked (theft is a rare occurrence at Yamaku) and Hanako placed you on your bed before opening your beside table drawer in search of your medicine.

Is it safe to sit here?" Lilly asked aloud, hovering her buttocks above the bed.

"Little to the left." you call up to her. She wasn't directly above you but it's better to be safe than squished under a blind girls ass.

Hanako showed you a bottle with a liquid inside. "Is this it?"

"Yep." you say, maintaining your pissed off attitude.

"How do you, um... take it?" Hanako asked, noticing the bottle matched you in size.

"I have to drink some."

"Oh, okay. Do you want me to pour it on you or..?" she held the now open bottle above you at an angle.

"No, no, no!! Christ you'll drown me, just, put a drop on your finger or something."

Hanako complied and held her finger out to you with a drop of medicine resting on it. "H-Here you go."

You reluctantly lean in and lick the sweet smelling remedy off of the finger that proved itself a torture device not ten hours ago. A minute passes and you feel the room around you return to normal size. Hanako sighs with relief and leans in to hug you. You stop her before she gets too close.

"We should get my arm looked at first. Don't want to cause more damage, right?"

"R-right. Sure. Yeah, let's go then." Hanako turns to lead the way before Lilly stops her.

"Hanako! Class will begin soon. You should tell Mr. Mutuo that Nick will be missing first period to see the Nurse. I will make sure he gets there without incident." Hanako looked down at her feet and nodded. The three of you left the boys dorm and Hanako said goodbye before branching off to class. Lilly, true to her word, stayed with you on the way to the Nurse's office.

"Well, you're lucky." the Nurse said after inspecting your injury. "It's just a sprain. The increased amount of pain may have been a result of your bones changing size at the time of injury."

When asked how you hurt your arm, you decided it wouldn't be wise to say you were in the girls dorm past curfew getting drunk with the girls, so you decided to lie and claim you fell out of bed and shrunk when you hit the ground.

"I'll prescribe you some decent painkillers to help with the pain, but there isn't much we can do other than let it run its course. If it gets any worse or doesn't improve, don't hesitate to contact me."

"Thank you, Nurse."

"Don't mention it, Nick. It's what I'm paid for!" you smiled and shut the door behind you where Lilly was waiting out in the hall.

"Everything okay?" she asked as you started walking.

"Yeah, just a sprain, nothing to get excited about."

"That's good."

"...is everything okay with you?" you ask, noticing her uncharacteristic bluntness.

"I didn't like the way you acted with Hanako today. I understand you were upset and, I will admit, for good reasons but she is sorry."

"I hear you. I'm not mad at her but she needs to understand that the things she did to me last night are part of the reason I can't go to a normal school; because people think it's funny to treat me like a toy!"

"Do you think Hanako couldn't go to a normal school? She is more than physically able to attend a standard public school but the way average students acted around her forced her into this place. You were rude and dismissive to her even when she was trying to help. That is exactly what she came here to avoid."

"She put me in her mouth!" you argued perhaps a little too loud.

Lilly stopped and stayed quiet for a moment, most likely constructing a response. "Like I said; you are angry and that is understandable. But you may have noticed that Hanako likes to keep to herself and me. She's let you into our circle, a circle I would say is a very elite one. Please try to make as much effort as she is to make this incident a thing of the past." she continued walking again.

You and Lilly decided to flunk the rest of class and wait for Hanako in the usual tea room. The two of you played chess until you had yet another shrinking episode. You tapped on Lilly's shoe and she gently picked you up and dropped you on the table. You both shared a laugh at how common it had become for you to shrink and seemingly always forget your medicine.

"One would think you almost enjoy being small, Nick." Lilly teased. You laughed and sat on the chess board, marvelling the enormous face of Lilly. You had to admit she was a pretty girl, and the fact she can't see you staring makes it all the better.

The bell rang signifying the end of class. The thunderous sounds of a hundred students eagerly rushing to lunch filled the corridors outside. A couple of minutes passed and the door creaked open. Hanako's head peeked in and recognised her friend. She sat down at the table and cleared her throat.

"How's Nick?"

"I'm fine, it was just a sprain." you say. Hanako gasps at your presence.

"You-You're tiny again? I didn't even see you!"

"Yeah, I, err, forgot my medicine again, heh." you looked up at Hanako and her eyes darted away, much like they used to when you'd catch each other's glances in class before you knew each other.

"There's actually something Nick wanted to say to you, Hanako."

"R-Really?" Hanako asked, now leaning in towards you.

"Uhh, what?" you turn around to Lilly. Her finger comes gliding at you and push you towards Hanako.

"Yes, yes, he wanted to apologise for not thanking you for your help today, isn't that right Nick?" she gave you a poke and you stumbled forward.

You look up at Hanako's face that now hangs directly above you and say...
February 17
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