The End of Your First Episode
· original author:
It wouldn't be right to go creeping around Hanako's body without her knowledge, especially after everything she's done for you today. It would be a violation of her trust and she might not forgive you if she found out. You try to calm down so you can go to sleep. You sprawl out on her mattress and get comfortable. Despite not having any covers, you were being kept warm by the body heat radiating off of your bedmate. It was, comforting to share another person's warmth and you quickly found your eyes becoming heavy. You looked up at Hanako's cute face before nodding off.


You were woken but a loud, yet adorable squeaking noise. The was followed however by a hot, sour smelling wind. Confused, you opened your eyes to see a gigantic, wet, gaping maw above you. You let out a yelp in fear as you tried to make sense of this apparently dangerous situation you found yourself in. After a few seconds of panic, it all came back to you. You woke up right next to Hanako's head, or more specifically her mouth, and you were stirred by a feminine yawn. What wasn't so adorable was her supersized morning breath and scary teeth. She began rubbing the sleep out of her eyes while you tried to get your heart rate back to normal. She looked pretty out of it as she sat up and scratched her ass.

"Good morning Hanako," You call out.

Still half asleep, she turns her head in your direction. She looks around but not down. Maybe she's having trouble remembering the events of yesterday. "Down here!" You shout.

She squints at you before her eyes go wide. Looks like she remembers you now. She recoils and covers the right side of her face. "N-nick! Ummm... g-g-good morning," She stammers out. Her face turned a familiar shade of red, looks like your night together hasn't helped her to get over her shyness yet.

After a bit of apologizing, Hanako left to wash up for the day. You were alone in her room again. With nothing else to do, you flopped back down on the mattress. It was still warm from her body where she was lying and it was thick with her scent too. It was very relaxing...

"Nick?" You heard in a familiar voice.

You picked yourself up from the mattress, it seems that you nodded off. Hanako was standing over you in her school uniform. "Hey," You call out, "I guess I fell asleep again."

"Is my bed really that comfy?" She asks blushing a bit.

"It's a lot softer than you desk," You joke. "Really, thanks again for doing all this for me."

She fidgets a bit, clearly not used to getting compliments. "It's no problem," She lies blatantly. It's at this point you see she has something behind her back. You don't have to wonder long though as she pulls it out and sets it on her bed. "I got your bag."

Wait, how long were you out? "You... already got it?"

She nods. "A-after I got dressed, I went to the office and asked where the lost and found was. I told them I lost my bag in class. They just confirmed that I was in the class it was found in and they let me take it."

You were surprised at this practical solution she came up with on her own. Now all you had to do was get back to your room. With your permission, Hanako dug through your bag to find your barely used room key. She packed your things back up, took you into her hand, and made her way to the boys dorm. She probably got a few more looks from strangers this time, being a girl and all, but she just walked fast and stared at the floor. Your room was at the far end of the highest level but you made it there without issue. Hanako pulled out your key and opened the door revealing your plain room. There, right on the nightstand was your medicine. It was a liquid so that you could take it if you ever shrank. You still needed help to get it open if you ever got this small, but it was still easier to deal with than a pill that was bigger than you. You asked Hanako if she could put a drop of it on the table for you to take and she complies. You drink in the familiar bitter taste. You didn't like it but you couldn't argue with the results. It didn't take long for you to gradually start growing. Hanako backed up in shock, as if she had never seen a person become several times larger over a matter of seconds before.

You let out a heavy sigh when you finally returned to normal, "Good to be back to normal." You looked to your companion and couldn't help but notice she seemed a little on edge for essentially having completed her mission. "Hey." She jumps a bit at your acknowledgment of her. "I can't thank you enough for everything Hanako."

"I-it's ok," She says quietly. "I... ummm... bye!"

Before you can say anything she bolts out of your room and down the hall. Maybe she was afraid that now that she was no longer bigger than you that you might hurt her. After everything she did though you couldn't imagine hurting such a sweet, smart, beautiful girl. Either way you figure that you've bothered the introvert enough for now and let her go. It wouldn't be your last interaction with her though.
February 17
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