Shrunk With a Drunk
· original author:
As the night went on, you shared the cake and polished off the last of the wine. You were feeling the effects of the alcohol a bit but you were still totally lucid. Hanako on the other hand was starting to slur a bit. Akira announced that she had to get back to work and you all decided it was probably time for bed. Lilly and Hanako gave each other a tender hug, you wished Lilly and Akira goodnight, and you escorted the birthday girl back to her room. She was wobbling quite a bit and needed to lean on you for support. It was very fortunate that she lived in the next room over. You opened the door for her and flipped on the lights. Hanako, as carefully as she could, sets her new doll on the shelf next to her other. As she steps back, she stagers and you have to catch her before she falls over.

"Are you going to be ok?" You ask concerned that she drank to much.

She looks back at you and stares right into your eyes. Suddenly, you feel her embrace you tightly. Your heart starts beating rapidly and your thoughts start to swirl. Whatever senses were dulled from the drinking were coming back. You might be happy for her to be stepping out of her shell like this if it wasn't solely due to the alcohol.

"Hanako..." Was all you could really say.

"I dun wanna go to beeeeed. I wanna staaaaay with you and Lillyyyyy," She whines.

"You know I can't," You say tenderly. "Lilly needs to sleep, I'm getting a bit of a headache, and you had a little too much to drink."

She gives a disappointed groan. You put my hand on her head to try and get her to let go but she just holds on tighter. Before you can protest, you get a twisting feeling in your stomach. You close your eyes as the room starts to spin. You feel an odd pressure on your face and try to open your eyes. Something soft is pressing into you and you can't see a thing.

"H-Hanako?" You call out, unsure of what was happening. You feel the pressure lighten and are able to see what was causing it. You were still in her arms, but you had just shrunk by about a foot and a half. You went from being a few inches taller than Hanako to having your face buried in between her supple breasts. Hanako sees this too and her face lights up in delight before pulling you back into her buxom. "Hanako please, I have to go take my medicine," You protest as you began pushing against her.

"NoooOOOOoooo," Hanako wails. "I don't want you to gooooo." She sways back and forth with you before tumbling onto her bed, pinning you beneath her. You try to break free but your reduced weight and strength made it impossible to win.

It wasn't much longer before you felt the sensation again. You were terrified that Hanako would unwittingly crush you. "Hanako you gotta get off, I'm shrinking again," You plead in distress. Fortunately she complies but she doesn't let you go. She looks on in wonder as you continue to shrink before her eyes. By the time it stopped you were barely smaller than the doll she just got.

"Awww, you're like a dolly now," She squees, clearly pleased at this latest development. She holds you up and nuzzles you. Her smooth skin rubs against your face and you are bathed in her wine-scented breath. "Myyyyyyyyy little Ni-*hic*," She giggles.

You were a bit scared at this point. As much as you liked Hanako, you didn't like being played with when you were so vulnerable. You knew she cared about you but you had no idea how that care would manifest itself while she was inebriated. Either way you were too small to escape now. Tonight you were essentially a slave to Hanako's desires.
February 17
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