Surviving the Night
· original author:
"What's a dolly if you don't playyyyyyy with them!"

You gulped in fear as Hanako stopped nuzzling you against her soft skin, tightening her grip slightly as she carried you over to the dresser to place you on top of it alongside the other doll.

You were beyond terrified at this point. Hanako was staring at you with a predatory gleam in her drunken eyes that you did not like in the least.

"Myyyyyyyy little Nick. I could just keep you forever and ever!"

Hanako reached out a finger and poked you in the stomach. It wasn't much, but at your size it was enough to knock the wind out of you as you hunched over from the pressure.

The massive digit eventually knocked you over on your back, and then withdrew before another one pressed down against your spine.

The finger then dug underneath your stomach like a spatula and flipped you onto your sore back with a resounding thud, all the while you could hear juvenile giggles from Hanako as she toyed with you.

"Aww, you're so little! Just like a mousey! You better run or the big bad Hanako-chan is gonna get you!" your tormentor giggled.

You certainly didn't need any prompting. Pulling yourself to your feet and ignoring the aches, you ran over to the edge of the dresser, the fear in your mind never letting you realize that it was a dead end.

Still, a colossal hand blocked your exit path, and you wasted no time in turning around and trying another direction. The same result occurred. Hanako was just toying with you.

"Aww, don't look so sad! Come here and gimme a kissy!"

Ignoring your protests, the second hand scooped you up none too gently and hoisted you up to Hanako's massive face, her lips puckered as she closed her eyes.

In her drunken state, she smacked you against her cheek the first time, the normally soft skin feeling like a brick wall at your speed. That would leave a bump and a black eye tomorrow.

The second time she managed to guide you to her lips, pressing your body into their soft, fleshy exterior. She made a loud, obnoxious humming noise as you engulfed in them.

"Wait, air?" you thought to yourself.

Suddenly, the two lips parted ever so slightly, and a gust of air sucked your entire top half into Hanako's mouth. She giggled through her mouthful of you, sloshing your head and torso around as her tongue coated you thoroughly.

"Mmph! Mmph!" your muffled screams barely heard as nothing but your legs were visible, wriggling and kicking on the outside.

Eventually, Hanako spit you out none too graciously, and apparently none too accurately. Still giggling drunkenly, you missed her hand completely and went plummeting, bouncing off her breast which at least helped break your fall before heading on a one-way ticket to the floor.

Your left shoulder slammed into the carpet, and you could've sworn you heard something break. This game was a nightmare in every definition of the word. Dragging yourself to your feet, adrenaline kicked in and moved your battered body to a gap underneath the dresser.

Screaming and panting in fear, you never bothered looking back, but the pitter-patter of feet told you that Hanako was none too seriously chasing after you.

You cleared the "archway" and entered the dusty bottom of the dresser as the thuds drew closer, moving until your back was against a wall. You fell to your knees, shaking like a leaf as Hanako's hand made drunken grabs for you, stumbling around in the dark.

The massive appendage missed you a few times, until Hanako seemed to get tired of fishing for you. You curled up in a ball, cowering until you heard a massive thud off in the distance followed by some light snoring. Hanako had apparently passed out for the night.

Still, your fear-addled mind kept you cowering and whimpering in the corner underneath the dresser, not even the size of a doll. You weren't leaving anytime soon, not even as the hours passed and morning broke.

At that point...
February 17
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