Secret Lunch Guest
· original author:
You were mentally drained from your oral ordeal and as interested you were in meeting Hanako's friend, you didn't feel like dealing with class afterwards. "Do you mind keeping me hidden for now? I don't think I'll be able to pay attention in class anymore today and I don't want them to see me ditching."

Hanako nods, "OK, I can relat- er... u-understand... wanting to not be bothered..."

An awkward silence fell upon you both but it was quickly undercut by the growling of both of your stomachs. "I don't suppose you could sneak me a little food and keep me hidden from you friend?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Lilly is actually... blind."

Huh. You had heard that there was a number of blind students here. You couldn't help but wonder if this Lilly's condition was what allowed her to become friends with Hanako. From what you've seen so far, Hanako was extremely shy and even more so protective of her scars. A blind person would have no idea what she looked like so Hanako didn't have to fear her judgement. This also made things easier for you as you didn't have to stay hidden during lunch. "Well, that makes things a little easier. Let's get going before we run out of time."

Hanako grabs her bag and closes her hands around you. A short walk later and she sets you down on a table in what seems to be an unused classroom. As she set her lunchbox down next to you, Lilly walked in holding a teapot. Now that you finally had a good look at her, you could see that she was quite beautiful, especially if she was blind. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she was even taller than Hanako. Her eyes were a milky blue that just seemed to stare off into nothing. She placed the teapot on the table and Hanako set down a pair of cups.

"Would you like to pour the tea Hanako?" Lily asks. Her voice was lovely and hand an almost motherly tone to it.

"S-sure," Hanako replies.

As she fills their cups, Lilly reaches down for her own lunch box. They open their boxes and the wonderful smell of home-cooked food fills the air.

"So what is it you made today?" Lilly asks.

"J-just some rice-balls," Hanako replies. "I tried some different spices though. L-let me know w-what you think." She places a rice-ball in Lilly's box and breaks off a small piece to give to you. The glob was as big as your head, more than enough for a meal.

"After you," Lilly insists.

Hanako ended up taking the first bite as Lilly suggested. "Hmmm," She frowns, "came out a little bland."

You took a bite from yours and found yourself in disagreement. The white sticky blob of rice was quite good and fairly savory.

"This one tastes fine to me Hanako," Lilly comments. "Maybe you must have dulled your taste with whatever you were nibbling on earlier."

Both you and Hanako nearly choked at the revelation. The food was bland, at least it was compared to your shrunken body. After soaking in Hanako's saliva for several minutes, your sweaty, salty flesh was still all she could taste. Seems like you were more flavorful than the rice in your hands. Lilly again seemed a bit confused by her friend's strange reaction to the innocent comment.

After some awkward sips of tea, Lilly tries to strike up a conversation. "So...
February 17