Break for Lunch
· original author:
A voice called out from whoever must have entered the room. It was too muffled by Hanako's cheeks for you to make out though, but it sounded feminine. You were surprised when the tongue began to move and the lips let in some light. Hanako's soft voice roared around you as she tried to say something, either she forgot her mouth was full or the response was reflexive. Whatever she said, you couldn't make it out either. Quickly realizing her error, you felt gravity shift forward and you slide out into her hands.

Before you could even start to regain your bearing, Hanako repeats herself to whoever came in. "I-I'm here Lilly."

"Ah, there you are Hanako," You heard a beautiful voice sigh.

You wipe the saliva from your eyes and look towards the door to see a tall (by normal standards) blond girl smiling towards Hanako. You were surprised that Hanako wasn't hiding you better, as it wasn't likely she wanted everyone to know she had the new student in her mouth. You lied down in her palm to stay unnoticed as they had a conversation.

"I finally have some free time from festival prep if you'd like to have lunch," She continues. "Were you eating at your desk just now?"

"No um... I wasn't... I haven't eaten anything." Hanako stammers.

"Hmm." The girl seems suspicious, but lets it go. "Alright, then shall we go to our usual spot? I think a relaxing cup of tea is just what I need."

"Ah, umm... OK. J-just... give me a few minutes to uh... finish this up. You go on ahead."

"As you wish. I'll go start setting things up. Just come whenever you're ready."

With that, the girl turns around and leaves. You and Hanako let out a collective sigh. "Are you OK?" She asks as she brings you back up to her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," You reply. "Was that a friend of yours? We're lucky she didn't spot me."

"Oh, I guess you don't know Lilly."

"Should I?"

She shakes her head. "S-sorry, I forgot just how new you were here. Most p-people know Lilly. She's... my friend."

You open your mouth to inquire further, but a glob of spit drips down from your hair onto your face. "Can you get me a tissue," You grumble as you wipe your face again.

Hanako can't help but chuckle a bit as she gets up to get you something you can use to dry yourself. You towel off, getting most of the goo but unable to dry your clothes much. You were going to have to deal with it though as they were going to take some time to air dry.

"Umm... are you r-ready to... go back to normal?" Hanako asks.

Under normal circumstances you would object to not taking your medicine as soon as possible. Under normal circumstances you also weren't wearing clothes that were soaked in saliva. You could try to act like everything was normal, but people might wonder what happened to make you wet and smell like toothpaste.
February 17