Girl Talk
· original author:
Is it considered eavesdropping if one of the people talking knows your there? Whatever the case, it seemed that you were going to be privy to a conversation between two of your female peers, and you were the focus of it.

"Umm... yeah," Hanako confirmed, her voice quieter than a moment ago. She looked down at you and you tried to smile back at her. "His n-name is... N-Nick."

"Hmm," Lilly replied as she took another sip of tea. "A bit of an odd name for this part of the world. So is he cute?"

Whether that last part was said jokingly or not, Hanako's reaction to the question was a spit take. Unfortunately, she was still looking at you at the time and you were showered in hottish tea. Without acknowledging her friendly fire, she turned back towards Lilly who was now laughing.

"My my Hanako, that's a little dramatic isn't it?"

"S-sorry." She was still nervous from everything else that happened earlier and you being here to hear what she has to say about you was not helping. She fidgeted in her seat as she tried to figure out what to say. "He's... nice."

"Oh, so what's so nice about him?" Lilly asks, a hint of teasing in her voice.

"Ummmm..." She looked down at you as if she was looking for an answer on the subject. Her face was beet red and apologetic, perhaps just realizing that she had spat all over you a moment ago. You weren't too mad though, what with already being wet and well acquainted with whatever bacteria lived in her mouth. You waved up at her and tried to give her a reassuring smile. "He... talked to me..."

Lilly's face lit up. "That's wonderful Hanako." Here jovial reaction to a simple act again confirmed what you knew, that Hanako was very, very shy. "What did you two talk about?"

"He... um, asked me to show him the l-lost and found," Hanako replies, a tactful summary of what happened yesterday night.

"Oh dear, is he losing things during his first week?" She sighs and her expression sours slightly, "I hope that SHE didn't sink her teeth into him already. Goodness knows she would try to rope a new student onto the Council before they learned too much about her."

"No way!" Hanako interjects a little too quickly. She realizes her mistake and backs down. "I... um, don't think... he liked them."

"Hmmm. Well anyway, you should invite him to eat with us sometime."

With that, the girls continued to eat in silence.
February 17