The Mouth of Trust
· original author:
You pick yourself up from the plastic floor that was once your seat, still warm from your own former presence. Hanako was staring at you, a look of wonder on her face similar to when she first found you. She crouched down and leaned forward, subconsciously allowing her breast to rest on your chair. She seemed to be at a loss for words so you decided to get thing rolling. "Well, I'm tiny. Let's get this over with."

"Ah! O-ok. R-r-right. Um, are you... s-sure?" Her words say she still concerned but her voice was more that of someone who was flustered.

As you watched Hanako's lips as she spoke, you could feel anxiety well up from inside. The twisting, choking fear gave you pause. There was still away out. Hanako would surely oblige you if you wanted to bail and take your medicine. But what about the next time, or the time after that? "I... have to. I'm s-scared Hanako. I n-need to... don't... let me..." You forced yourself to look at the ground, your arms shaking and your voice quivering as you tried to form words. Then, you felt a warm, gentle pressure on your head. She was ruffling your hair with her finger with a touch so light, it was as if she wasn't dozens of times bigger than you. The tension immediately drained from your body at the simple comforting act. You looked up as she retracted her digit, her face was bright red, but her eyes looked so tender. "I'm ready. Can you give me a hand?"

She nods silently and extends her palm for you to use as a platform. You were a bit bigger than yesterday, so it was much easier to step up and deal with the movement as she brought you to her face. Warm air blew from her nostrils onto you as you slowly walked towards the mouth. The cavity was only slightly opened, likely so the sight didn't overwhelm you. As you gazed at her soft, plump lips, you couldn't help but feel a hint of arousal. When you reached out to them, she let out a tiny gasp at your touch, allowing a wave of her breath to be released. The wind was warm with a cool, minty edge to it. The strange duality of temperature reminded you of a summer breeze. As you slowly pushed her lips further apart, she allowed her jaw to drop. With the oral cavity fully exposed to you now, you couldn't help but stand there and look. It was impossible to not compare the cave to that of your student council president's. The most obvious difference was that it seemed much smaller, but that was simply due to the fact that you had not shrunk as much. At you current size, you were going to be a bit of a mouthful for your current host. Hanako's teeth were fairly straight and mostly white, but not perfect. At least they were clean. You figured that going in feet first would be less scary as you'd be able to see the outside world instead of staring down her esophagus. You stepped one foot onto her tongue. Unsurprisingly, it squished under your foot and wasn't very stable. You steadied yourself with her lips as you brought in your other foot, sliding along the slick surface. You realized a moment too late that you were about to ruin another set of clothes, not to mention your last pair of shoes. Thinking about it though, it seemed unlikely that Hanako would have agreed to do this if you were naked, though the idea caused your pants to tighten a bit. You spun yourself around, using her front teeth to push yourself all the way in. Your shirt came un-tucked in the process, allowing Hanako to get an unplanned taste of your tummy. A feminine coo rattled up from behind you as the flesh around you shook. The wiggling muscle was slimy on your bare skin.

You were inside Hanako's mouth. Soggy, pink flesh encased you and sharp teeth flanked you. Clear drool was dripping at an impressive rate from every surface. The air was hot and humid, but also fresh and pleasant smelling. You'd have to ask Hanako later what toothpaste she used because it seemed to be long lasting. Her heartbeat was surprisingly audible over the ambient mouth noises. It sounded quite fast for someone just sitting down. She must be nervous too. This was actually going pretty well, until a familiar groaning rumbled up from below. Hanako's stomach was growling. You hadn't given her a chance to eat lunch and now her stomach wanted something to digest. Anything. Even you. You wrapped your arms around the tongue in a death grip so as to not get sucked down into the lake of pure acid within the depths of this body. You had to get out, but if you let go, you'd surely be doomed. It was only a matter of time before the saliva slicked muscle shook you loose. You closed you eyes and waited for the end...

What you felt next wasn't the sting of acid, but a sobering stroke of your hair. Hanako could feel your panicked cling and wanted to remind you that she was there. She was doing this to help you get over your fear, not to fill her gut. You were able to calm down, lightening your squeeze from bear hug, to genuine hug. Her stomach continued to churn and saliva continued to dribble, but you didn't feel any fear. You probably could have exited at this point and been all better, but the idea simply didn't occur to you.

It wasn't until you both heard the sound of footsteps that you snapped out of your little worlds. With someone entering the classroom and you still shrunk and inside her, Hanako closed her mouth. It was fortunate you had calmed down, or you might have freaked out. Who came in?
February 17