A Tactical Retreat
· original author:
Judging from how much you were bouncing against her tongue, it seemed Hanako was running off somewhere. Within a minute, you were blinded by the light of the outer world and felt yourself sliding forward. You landed on what appeared to be her bag in a small puddle of spit. Once your eyes got used to the light, you were able to see that you were in the school library. As you looked back to find Hanako, you barely managed to see her placing an open book over you like a tent. Caught off guard by the unexpected act, Hanako managed to get the first word in.


Then it sounded like she scampered away, but you were unable to see her from beneath the pages. Seems like you had accidentally pushed her top her limit. You just hoped that she would be returning as she had yesterday. Your hopes were realized when you heard her flop down on a near by beanbag. Peaking out, you saw that she was burying her face in a book. Guess she just needs some alone time to recharge her nerves. Figuring that you had bothered her enough for the moment, you retreated back into the dark shelter she had thrown on top of you. Honestly, you didn't mind some private time yourself after what you had just been through. It was a strange experience being in a girl's mouth. You closed your eyes and reflected on the bizarreness of the last two days.

More than just a few minutes later, you felt light hitting your eyelids and woke up from your trance. Hovering above you was Hanako, looking a bit less panicked. Even so, a weak "umm" was all she could manage to say.

Seeing that you were going to have to get the conversation going, you decided to keep things easy for her. "Hi."

"H-hi," She quietly responds.

"You ok?"

She gives a small nod. "A-are you?"

"Unchewed and undigested so I'm doing great," You jest.

Your joke doesn't seem to go over as well as you had hoped though as her face shows concern. "But... you're shivering. Are you cold?"

Looking down at your hands, you saw that they were indeed trembling. Pulling up your damp sleeve, you found that it was cold to the touch and your hairs were standing on end. Between your adrenaline and introspection, you hadn't realized how much your body temperature had dropped. Being in Hanako's hot mouth for so long, not drying off, and then sitting around in the cool library, you went from overheated to very cool in a small time frame. "I could use a change of clothes and some coffee honestly," You confess.

"I'm sorry," she apologizes. "I... I didn't think..."

"Don't worry," You assure her. While you've only known this girl for a day, you really didn't want to see her sad. "Did you grab my meds?"

"I... couldn't... during class... attention..."

Crap, not only did she not get your stuff, but now you made her feel bad by reminding her. "Don't worry. We'll just grab it after class. I'll be fi- " *achoo* Uh oh. That was a bad sign and Hanako realized it too.

"Oh no...you're getting a cold." She gently scooped you up. Her hand was warm and soft, you couldn't resist laying down on her palm. "OH... um... i-is that... better?"

You were about to say "much" but instead you let out another sneeze.

"Uhhhhhhmmm... we need to warm you up fast. S-should... should I put you back in... my mouth?"

Well that would warm you back up pretty fast. You reply...
February 17