Flattery Will Get You Somewhere.
· original author:
"I mean, if i am getting sick, then a germ filled mouth might not be the best place to go," You explain.

"Oh... I'm s-sorry," Hanako apologizes. She was visibly shrinking (in a less literal sense than you) and looked like she had just gotten your puppy killed.

"Not that your mouth is dirty or anything!" You quickly blurt out in an attempt to make her feel better. "Everyone has some bacteria in there. You know what they say about dogs' mouths being cleaner than ours... Not that your mouth is like a dog's I mean... your teeth are super clean and your breath honestly smells wonderful so..." Maybe you went to far with that last bit. Hanako had turned bright red and had put her free hand over her mouth. Having embarrassed yourself enough for the moment, you shut up and turned around while awaiting judgement of the giant girl you probably just creeped out. Maybe she'd drop you on the ground and step on you, then you wouldn't feel like this anymore.

After an insanely uncomfortable silence, Hanako finally spoke up. "Um... w-what else did you h-have in mind?"

"Huh?" Turning back around, you saw that you hadn't scared her off with your intimate compliments. She even seemed to have a tiny smile.

"If not... my m-mouth... t-then what?"

After being so embarrassed, you already felt warmer "You know, I'm probably fi-" *achoo* Guess not... "It... doesn't really matter. Just... anywhere warmer would be nice."

Hanako thought for a few moments, her face turning reddish again. She decided to ...
February 17