Chapters 1-20, of 28
Searched for: any text, no reviewed stories, tags include: (clothing entrapment, gas, nonconsensual).
"Joe was a good person. At least, he liked to think so. He almost always said please and thank you. He frequently thought about volunteering at soup kitchens. He practically never forgot to call hi..."
14.8K words · 628 views
"Getting shrunken was already unbelievable in its own right. Getting stuffed down that crazy nun's huge ass to get farted on went even further, and honestly you had no words to describe how nonchala..."
1.79K words · 341 views
""Wait, what?!" You said as you kept getting from one pulsating, slimy wall to the other as you began hearing a much more terrifying series of deep, rumbling groans, sounding a lot more like a gigan..."
1.81K words · 376 views
""Wait, let's rewind a little" Emily said "What do you mean the school would be 'glad'?" Emily asked, looking baffled. "Hmm?" Lulu had an amused look "What, did you guys not read the program's summ..."
1.79K words · 247 views
"You were a bit surprised, Jen clearly cared about you and while she still wanted to carry you close to her, she was trying to not be too insensitive after seeing your reaction to Lulu's massive bom..."
1.79K words · 321 views
"Just then, Bertha walked into the classroom, a bit surprised as she didn't expect people to be still around, even more so when Natalie herself was nowhere to be found. She stopped in her tracks as ..."
1.77K words · 332 views
"With the constant movement from the massive walls at your sides, it didn't seem like it'd be a viable option to try and go around it, and turning back felt like you'd be wasting your effort. Beside..."
1.77K words · 99 views
"You went to take a shower, the cool water helping to wake your body up further. For some reason showers seemed to work in reverse for you, most people you knew used them to feel sleepier but in you..."
1.77K words · 373 views
""Girls?" You found their reactions weird. You knew that there were some memes circulating about the purple milkshake, implying that it was bad in varying degrees, from giving someone an upset stoma..."
1.75K words · 376 views
"Meanwhile, in Cindy's crack... The 3 guys were surprised, Cindy wasn't kidding when she said that her huge butt was the warmest and softest spot on her, even the more timid Pete was basking in her..."
1.72K words · 354 views
"As she bent over to load various trays and plates into the dishwasher, Dolores accidentally unleashed a pretty huge fart that made her massive cheeks rumble, feeling the rush of hot air escape from..."
1.8K words · 291 views
"Thinking quickly, you only saw 3 viable ways to get help: a) Go to Zuemy's house, if Zoey's around she could help since she's very much into changing the size of things like Zuemy. Zuleima might b..."
1.82K words · 389 views
"Without saying a word, Jen picked you up, swiftly yet gently enough not to make you too dizzy, although you got some chills as the rapid movement of the air around you caught you off-guard. She rai..."
1.8K words · 269 views