Cagliostro opened her mouth. Anger, confusion... whatever her next words were to be would remain a mystery. They were all pushed back and drowned by Clarisse's tongue. That monstrous thing, twice the size of diminished alchemist's own, invaded her mouth with ease. The apprentice's coy eyes met with her master's own that were wide from shock. She couldn't breathe.


But Clarisse did finally give her reprieve, a moment to grasp for air and to try and cough out the violating taste from her mouth. There was little point to that. The taste permeated all the way to the back of her throat. And Clarisse wasn't finished.


She let her go.


Cagliostro was dropped ungracefully down from over twice her current height. The little breaths she had managed to catch were expelled violently as her back hit the floor. Nothing was broken, it just hurt all over. Even without access to alchemy and weakened down, Cagliostro's body was more durable than most thanks to its method of construction. It was something that her apprentice knew well.


Clarisse dropped down on her knees, leaving Cagliostro's head in-between as she sat down. Her ass slammed down on her master's abdomen, leaving the small alchemist gasping for air for the third time as the weight of that body knocked it out of her. Being toyed around with so obviously just fueled Cagliostro's seething.


"Hee hee... C'mon, Master... This was what the Dissolution Wand was made for. You should have seen this coming."


Cagliostro's mind finally started getting the oxygen it required to function. She was hurt and confused, true, but it would take much more than this to let all of those stupid primal emotions take over.


"Who's behind this? If it's that stupid Guild again I swear to myself I--"


Clarisse's thighs closed in on Cagliostro before she could finish. Just a few, strong seconds of squeezing. A clear sign to stop. The tall short girl pouted.


"That hurts, Master. I may be free-spirited, but I can want things too, y'know. And right noooow..."


She wiggled her finger around in a circle as if building suspense. It didn't work. There was only one right answer here, the one whose forehead she ended up tapping as she leaned in on her.


"I want you!"


It was amazing how menacing a big goofy smile could become in the right context.




September 10, 2023
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