Chapters 1-20, of 28
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"Joe was a good person. At least, he liked to think so. He almost always said please and thank you. He frequently thought about volunteering at soup kitchens. He practically never forgot to call hi..."
14.8K words · 628 views
"Chun-Li found herself in a rather unusual situation: She had been given a couple of days off. And not without reason, they had just completed a successful but difficult raid on the latest Shadaloo ..."
14.6K words · 321 views
"Jen's monstrously terrifying barrage came to an end just before her big ass completely sandwiched you between itself and the chair's backrest but you were too busy feeling like you were dying from ..."
1.87K words · 402 views
"Back to Cindy and yourself... You had no idea what Cindy was up to but you appreciated not being forced into her cleavage or buttcrack, as nice and soft as they were you could use some time to rec..."
1.83K words · 237 views
"Jade looked far too happy for the situation and somehow you got the vibe that maybe she had a bone to pick with the so called ASS trio as well and despite being an enemy of yours, you couldn't help..."
1.83K words · 200 views
"[Originally written by SmittySmith]   As Lulu finished reading off the dorm assignments, the bell rang. "That's it for homeroom for today class, I'll see most of you for art later. Oh, Mr. Santo..."
601 words · 226 views
"Jen smiled, everything was going much more smoothly than she would've expected. She hadn't been able to have contact with any Lillies prior to today, but she had refused to buy into the stereotypes..."
1.82K words · 324 views
"Back at the lunch table with the 4 girls... "By the way, what the hell was that before?" Lillian asked. Her stomach made some grumbling noises but she rubbed it with a hand and seemingly got it to..."
1.78K words · 211 views