Lillian & Jen vs Toxic Lily Pt. III: Round 2!
Back to you, you were still fighting Toxic Lily's 3 goons, though due to his lack of experience in actual fighting, Brendan, the one guy who was the most capable of punching your lights out, was now in pretty bad shape, Balthazar could be a threat, however, given that he probably is more agile than you, by virtue on being smaller and shorter, though not as much as Byrne, who took a moment to recover from that hit to the face.

Balthazar tried to intimidate you like Brendan, but he obviously lacked the presence and the physique for it, and you didn't fall for his feints. But then you sensed he was gonna attack for real, you dodged his fist while countering with a punch of your own... Funnily enough, yours hit him long before his even could reach you, there being a difference of roughly a foot in terms of arm length, something you overlooked as well. Still, that wasn't such a powerful punch, as you knew hitting the head wasn't always a good idea unless you could really knock the person out, but it was enough to make him flinch in fear.

Then, Byrne rushed towards you and hit you with a drop kick. Fortunately, you were able to block it with your arms in a cross-guard, but the hit was strong enough to make them feel a little numb for a moment. Byrne's lack of mass was more than made up for the momentum he could build up with his speed. Still, you reacted quickly and punished him with a downward elbow blow right in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him and slamming him harshly onto the floor.

Balthazar punched you again, but this time you caught his hand by the wrist and suddenly twisted it, causing him a great deal of pain, which you used to strike him in the solar plexus, just like you had attempted with Brendan before. Your fist sank into his abdomen, hitting right into the unprotected region below the ribcage, and to Balthazar, it was as if he shorted out, the pain felt unreal, but also, it felt like arcane witchcraft, his strength and stamina seemingly vanished, crumbled down to dust, in that single blow, just as the air rushed out of his mouth, as the diaphragm, the muscle that aids in breathing, forcefully pushed the air out of his lungs like they were bagpipes, got rudely compressed. His vision even blacked for a moment, and felt quite dizzy, falling on his back.

Brendan had recovered just about enough to try again, though his right hand still hurt quite badly and attacked you with the left, using the right for defense. You rolled away to the side and he ended up punching the locker, much to his own misfortune. However, when he turned to look at you, you saw that he was getting angry. Byrne got up once more and tried to catch you from behind while Brendan rushed towards you. Thinking quickly, you sidestepped so that Brendan ended up punching Byrne right in the face, knowing him out for good. And Brendan's pained scream also let you know he screwed up his own hand in the process.

"If I were you, I'd go get that treated. Boxer bite's no joke" You said, hoping that with his fists pretty much disabled and without his numerical advantage, he'd call it quits. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I guess you're right" He said, dropping the fighting stance, then he looked at Toxic Lily, who was still fiercely fighting your friends. You were relieved that he chose to take the out you offered, there was nothing to gain from beating all of these guys silly, plus, you felt that it was best to conserve whatever energy you could, just in case.

"I think she's too busy to beat you up for the time being. I can't tell you what to do about your... working relationship with her... that's up to you to solve..." You said and he nodded, you saw a defeated resignation in his eyes and felt honestly sorry for him, Lily had broken him. Shaking your head, you decided to go see Jen and Lillian. Getting involved would look pretty bad for you, so you had to let them deal with it, but if they saw you made it out okay from fighting Lily's goons, maybe that'd give them a little morale boost.

Meanwhile, Toxic Lily rushed at Lillian and Jen, opting to attack Lillian, for whom she felt a much bigger grudge, and because she still considered her a greater threat than Jen, as the scar across her nose could attest. Lillian dodged her first two punches, but the third, aimed at her stomach, hit its mark, making her double over. Smiling, Toxic Lily shoved her forwards, but right at that moment, Jen flanked her again and threw a punch aimed at her face, but having already seen that tactic before, Lily blocked it with her forearm, but Jen didn't relent and threw a barrage of punches with as much fury as she had done before, though this time, Toxic Lily was able to dodge most of them, and block those she didn't.

She had noticed something, Jen was quite strong, maybe even stronger than herself at least in striking power, but after pulling off a stunt like that, she needed some time to recover. Taking advantage of this, she landed a punch on Jen's face and with her other hand she grabbed it and tried slamming her against the lockers behind her, but in doing so, she failed to notice Lillian was up again, and swinging her enormous hips, her huge butt hit her from the side like a wrecking ball, sending her flying into the lockers herself.

"God...dammit..." Toxic Lily angrily growled.

"Are you okay?" Lillian said to her friend.

"Yeah. She caught me off guard, that's all" Jen replied, taking deep breaths. She then looked around, and much to her surprise, she saw you in the front row of their impromptu audience.
"Blaise!" Her eyes lit up, and her heart skipped a couple of beats out of excitement, while a huge wave of relief washed over her.

"Huh?" Lillian was a bit surprised, but turned to look where Jen was looking, and smiled when she saw you.

"He did it! He really beat those 3 guys!" Jen said in a surprisingly chipper tone, after showing a near demonic fury against Toxic Lily mere moments ago.

"Heh. Told you. If he says he can do it, he can. That's my best friend for you" Lillian smiled.

"Now we can fight without worry!" Jen turned back to Lily, who was angrily grumbling while struggling to stand up. She had been taking quite the beating, but wasn't about to give up just yet.

"Yeah, there's a bitch that needs to be put to sleep" Lillian said with a smug smile.

"What the fuck are you two on abou-" Toxic Lily growled, but then she saw you and her anger skyrocketed.

"That's what you get for underestimating all of us" Jen smiled, enjoying the frustration and anger in Toxic Lily's eyes.

"I thought you said you were quite the competent boss, didn't you?" Lillian cheekily remarked, eliciting more angry growls from her bitter enemy.

"God fucking dammit... Those 3 are really useless..." She pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling a bit of a headache just from the surge of angry frustration she felt just now. She then calmed herself down somewhat, but her heart was still pounding hard, as she was still in 'fight mode'.
"No matter how good you are, if you only get sucky underlings, that's what happens" She shrugged.
"It goes both ways, you're terrible 'owners' yourselves, but your little pet still managed to pull himself out of the hole you guys let him fall into" She laughed, even more so as the smiles disappeared from both of her enemies' faces.

"Jen, I hope you were serious about wanting to murder her because I'm not stopping you... and if you won't, I will..." Lillian said, cracking her knuckles.

"Not even in your dreams, fatso! But you're welcome to try" Toxic Lily defiantly said before lunging at them with unexpected speed. Lillian guarded, anticipating she'd come for her, but then her eyes widened when she saw that she rushed past her and had tackled Jen down, but the Nordic girl wasn't about to just stay there and take it, kicking Toxic Lily in the shins before she hooked her foot on one of her ankles and swung it, making her almost lose her balance.

"Ha! Stupid bitch!" Toxic Lily tried to kick Jen while she was till on the floor, but her defiant smile unnerved her, and when she turned to look to the side, Lillian shoulder tackled her, feeling like she had just been hit by a truck. Following up on that, Lillian hip dropped down on her, and while she was tempted to go for the face, she chose to land on her stomach as that'd deal far more damage. Toxic Lily could almost feel her eyes pop out as almost all of the air in her lungs was instantly pushed out. Lillian's immense weight pressed down with painful, punishing force, and she was relieved her ribs didn't crack or break.

"You should know by now that I got quite decent wrestling skills" Lillian chuckled, bouncing on her enemy.
"Courtesy of my big sis" She laughed while Toxic Lily fruitlessly tried pushing her off. Frustrated at her inability to push her massive weight, she then tried biting Lillian's huge asscheek, much to her surprise, but with a smug giggle, she retaliated by leaning to the side and blowing a gigantic, paper-stack blowing, room-shaking fart at point blank to her face. Toxic Lily felt like she was in a stinky blizzard, and just the force of the windy release was enough to make her feel dizzy, but then the smell also burned her nose.

[Path for all choices except 3]

Toxic Lily mustered what strength she could and pushed Lillian off, now that she was leaning to the side, before rolling away and standing up once more, her eyes full of murderous fury...

"She really doesn't know when to frickin' quit" Lillian sighed as she got up, largely unfazed by her counterattack.
May 12, 2023