Bully defeated! *FF victory fanfare plays* Right?
Smiling, Lillian went for her favorite finisher, she scooted over until she was sitting on Toxic Lily's face, easily engulfing it in her massive rear. At this point neither you nor Jen were surprised, nor had any sympathy left for her, so, as far as you were concerned it was best to let Lillian do whatever she wanted. Toxic Lily, however, didn't agree and frantically tried pushing Lillian off herself, but she was too heavy, and despite her great amount of physical strength, at such a bad position, she simply had no way to even make the large Brazilian girl budge.

Considering that the fight was as good as won now, Jen walked over to you and gave you a bear hug that caught you off-guard, as she was apparently still in fighting mode and exerted much more strength than she probably meant to, in addition, the beating you had taken made itself more evident, but you only winced quietly and took it. After a couple of seconds, but still hugging you, she turned her head to glance at Lillian, chuckling as she saw Toxic Lily's limps frantically flail around. Given that it looked like the fight was over, the crowd began to disperse, not wanting to stick around for more of Lillian's own toxic blasts.

"Finally, Lillian uses her 'power' for good" She laughed and you nodded.

"Yeah. A very rare occasion. But they say everything in this life is possible" You chuckled. You then heard two more thunderous blasts that resonated around the hallway, followed by muffled screaming and more flailing.

"I think she finally got to experience what she did to others" Jen smiled.

"And then some. Lillian's farts are on a league of their own" You said, laughing a bit.


A couple of minutes and quite a long barrage of powerful booty blasts later, Toxic Lily finally stopped moving, her limbs all fell limply on the floor, but Lillian kept on sitting on her face and ground her huge butt on it, making sure she wasn't playing possum. After deciding that she was out cold for real, she got up and playfully smacked her ass.

"You'll never defeat this ass, neither in size, beauty... or power..." She giggled and happily walked to where you were. You and Jen gave her thumbs up, which made her giggle some more.
"She had it long overdue" She said, shrugging while laughing a little more.

"But she really earned it today" Jen said, tightening her hug on you a little more, but this time she noticed you wincing.
"Blaise! I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!" She said, blushing in embarrassment while also panicking, loosening her hug, though she still had her arms wrapped around you.

"It wasn't your fault. I took quite a beating from her..." You said with a tired look.

"Do you need to go to the nursery?" Lillian said, also looking concerned.

"I don't think so. I could use some rest, but I'd rather not raise some alarms... we all know that Arianna will probably jump the gun if she finds out I went to the nursery..." You said, shuddering at the thought. Both Jen and Lillian nodded in agreement, imagining their terrifying principal stomping her way in a fury, demanding to know what happened, making them all seem as if they were the culprits.

"I mean, Lily should totally get expelled though" Lillian raised an eyebrow.

"It's not gonna be worth it if we have to deal with Arianna" You said, Jen nodding in agreement with you.

You noticed movement in the corner of your eye and turned to see that Lily wasn't quite as knocked out as you first thought, she struggled to get up, her limbs shaking, as they were seemingly completely drained of all their strength and stamina.

"For frick's sake, she still doesn't know when to quit!" Lillian growled and turned to go finish the job for real. Toxic Lily only gave primal-sounding growls while she reached into her pocket.

"Lillian wait!" Jen shouted, and the larger girl froze, but quickly caught on as to why Jen told her to stop.

"Do you really think a knife's gonna do you any good at this point?" Lillian angrily asked, but Toxic Lily ignored her, pulling out a silvery, metallic, gun-like device. It looked pretty futuristic, like something you'd see in a cartoon or sci-fi themed series.

It even looked like some kind of children's toy, with several buttons and LED lights on it, plus a small LCD screen of sorts on it. She completely got up, looking the most disheveled you had ever seen her, but the look she gave you all three was a manic, frenzied one, even for her own standards, which made you flinch. Taking deep, pained breaths, she raised the arm she was holding the gun with and after pushing a couple of buttons on it, she...


Pointed it at you and fired a light bluish beam, which startled all 3 of you. It happened too fast to react, and it looked as if she had just vaporized you, much to Jen and Lillian's shock. Laughing maniacally, Toxic Lily then smashed the gun against a wall before she finally fell, knocked out cold for real this time.

"W-W-What the fuck?!" Lillian shouted in shock.

"Did... did she just kill him?!" Jen's heart sank. It was all too sudden, they never expected that kind of counter-attack.

1) "Wait, what's that on your chest?" Lillian said, seeing something small, but definitely distinct from Jen's skin.

"Huh?" Jen looked down and was very surprised to see what looked like a small doll, but she knew there was no way she had a simple doll on her this whole time, and she knew for sure it wasn't there before. She carefully picked it up and brought it closer to her eye, finding that it was a tiny, unconscious you, tiredly breathing.
"Blaise?!" She gasped, and Lillian's eyes widened, walking closer to get a look for herself, and her jaw dropped.

2) You felt dizzy, and suddenly felt as if the entire world imploded and everything rapidly contracted while your body rapidly dwindled down in size. But to your friends, it was as if you simply disappeared in a mere instant. You then found yourself flying in the air, or more like free-falling, and you saw you were heading towards...

[Sub-Paths/Choices for Path 2]

- A pair of round, pale mountains (Jen's chest).

- A gigantic gelatinous-looking, planet-sized dark blue globe (One of Lillian's cheeks, encased in tight leggings).

- An unknown vast expanse, upon landing on it, you found it was incredibly soft and squishy, but it was vertically oriented, so you had to cling onto it not to fall any farther down. (Either of the girls' thighs).

- The floor, and you could see some massive structures you had never seen before, plus some truly gigantic pillars that rose into the sky. (At their feet).


3) Pointed it at the girls, firing two red, laser-like beams. They suddenly felt very hot, as if they had a fever, and were engulfed by an unnatural red-looking aura while their bodies felt weird in a way they could simply not describe. Toxic Lily maniacally laughed before putting the mysterious gun back in her pocket and running away, leaving you with your two friends, looking like they were in great pain, with no idea what to do...

4) Pointed it at one of the girls, firing a red laser-like beam, making her feel indescribably weird and in pain. While the other two of you were distracted, Toxic Lily took the chance to book it out of there, leaving you frustrated, angry but most importantly utterly baffled about what the hell she had just done, your affected friend being engulfed in an unnatural red aura of sorts...

5) Pointed it at her own head and pulling the trigger. Briefly, you three saw a reddish flash before the light blinded you, and heard Lily's maniacal laughter.

"The hell did she just do now?" Lillian wondered out loud.

"I don't know but it can't be any good..." Jen sighed, not wanting to let go of you.

"You three IDIOTS are going to pay!" Said Toxic Lily in an unnervingly, demonic-sounding guttural tone.
"Nobody... NOBODY messes with Toxic Lily and gets away scott-free!" She yelled, her voice now carrying an ominous booming of its own.

When the lights dissipated, the three of you were horrified to see Toxic Lily standing at over 8' tall, and she was still growing while menacingly walking towards you.

"What... what the fucking fuck?!" Lillian uttered in disbelief.

"This... this can't be real! H-how?!" Jen's eyes widened in terror.

"Oh shit, we need to get the hell out of here!" You grabbed both of your friends' arms by the wrist and began running while hearing Toxic Lily's ominous chuckling.

"Go on! TRY running away from me! I'll even let you get a headstart..."

Soon, you heard and felt her booming footsteps. Your heart pounding the hardest than ever before. You couldn't help but wonder how exactly she did this, or where she got her hands on such a device, remembering the weird futuristic toy-like gun, but all that got pushed to the back of your mind as the prime directive in your brain right now was to get the hell away from her with your friends. This time legitimately fearing for your lives...

[Note: Toxic Lily's meant to grow much more, as this is intended to be an actual giantess route, how slow or fast said growth is will be up to the writer that chooses to take on this storyline]
May 12, 2023