Back in the girls' bathroom...

As opposed to pretty much any other lillie, the pervy nun only clutched the twitching asshole more tightly, eagerly huffing its thick, lingering fumes while her hands rubbed its sweaty folds, massaging them lovingly and making the whole thing shake wildly, pinching her in ways that seemed like it was trying to chew on her, inquisitively trying to feel the sudden intrusion that was snuggling up to it.

Lillian sighed in relief, the pressure in her tummy was getting out of hand but she still had a lot left in "the tank". The strange feeling on her most sensitive spot returned though, it was a like a vaguely pleasant itch. In spite of her underwear getting wedged all the time, her anus was quite sensitive and she could feel something very small right up against it, like some piece of lint though it felt more solid than a mere piece of flat fabric.

Her curiosity was mildly piqued by now but her gurgling gut was a far more pressing issue, forcing her attention away from the stimulus her pucker was getting 'Well, if it's some kind of lint it'll just get blown away' she thought, though the feeling wasn't entirely annoying, it was just something new that she wasn't quite used to. She noted that she usually didn't get that much lint from her underwear in spite of the size of her behind.

Just like that and with barely any effort another tremendous fart erupted from her massive backside, just as powerfully loud as the last, making harsh reverberations that echoed all around the bathroom's floor and walls. Although it didn't hurt her own ears she noticed that it was pretty loud for her own standards but then again, it was the usual result from letting all that gas get supercharged for this long.

All of that was amplified thousands if not millions of times over for the lillie-sized nun still stuck in her rear, who took that colossal blast at exactly point blank but the sheer pressure from Lillian's immense cheeks held her in, as she subconsciously clenched them as she pushed a little, still resulting in an enormous gassy explosion that some might have mistaken for a revving motorcycle and of the bigger and heavier kind.

Lillian had so much gas in her gut that this tremendous fart easily lasted about 10 seconds but just as it was slowly dying out, it made a loud roaring rumble for a second time and it kept going for just as long before it gradually quieted down until it stopped for good. The sheer amount of relief she felt couldn't be described with words. Her belly felt less bloated after that one to the point that she even looked down and checked if her tummy shrank noticeably, feeling like she might even have lost weight from that one. However her belly remained somewhat pudgy, second to Cindy's in their group but it looked considerably less taut now.

'I think I struck gold with this one!' The shrunken nun thought while feeling dizzy from the intensity of the volcano-sized eruptions that went off in her face just now. One would have to wonder if she wasn't somehow drunk on that thick, noxious gas too because she huffed it more desperately than your typical junkie would with smoke. She drooled a little in her hazy stupor but any drool that poured out of the corner of her mouth got easily lost amidst the sweat that covered the pulsating, fleshy disc and the inside of the crack. The atmosphere was hot and steamy, like a combination of a sauna and a swamp though most lillies would've described it as more of a radioactive wasteland or a pit from hell.

While Lillian herself was mostly concerned with the amount of high-pressure gas still in her gut, her anus acted almost as if it had a mind of its own, initially only twitching and pulsating in response to the unexpected stimulus but as the pervy nun was trying to snuggle up to it, the rubbery sphincter was now inquisitively 'chewing' on her by pinching her and her limbs between its many hot, sweaty folds, basically trying to discern the nature of the thing it was feeling.

"Yes, YES!" The silver-haired nun rubbed her face on the plump, fleshy surface while her hands caressed and kneaded more of its moderately soft and increasingly warm mass. The usually pink muscles looked redder as more blood flowed into them, which was also what caused them to radiate more heat as well. The lillie-sized nun tried to bury her face into the spot where the anus' folds converged, rubbing it from side to side in an attempt to gently pry it open but in spite of its movement it remained closed shut and it looked like the more she tried to sneak in side, the more tightly all of the meaty folds resisted by pressing themselves together.

Once more, Lillian's attention was grabbed by a noticeable feeling coming from the depths of her huge ass. A sort of tingly tickling, it didn't exactly feel bad but it didn't feel entirely good either. Plus, she could swear it felt like whatever tiny thing that lodged itself into her pucker was still stuck to it and even trying to push its way inside. Taking over conscious control over her pulsating sphincter, she gave a few squeezes of her own, trying to figure out what exactly it was but unfortunately it was so close, pressed right against it in such a way that she couldn't tell much more beyond its size and the fact that it's pressed right there.

'That thing's still there? Feels more solid than just a piece of lint... unless it's just a bunch of lint that rolled up' She thought, as that scenario had happened a couple of times. With all the bouncing and swaying her hips made it was not that much of a surprise that sometimes otherwise insignificant pieces of lint gathered together into a larger one as they ended up rolled together by her plus-sized cheeks. Most of the time they were nothing more than a slight, vaguely pleasant tickle but a few times they made her feel itchy, usually when she was sweaty but every time she'd eventually just blow them out with her signature massive farts. And yet this one felt different but she wouldn't have been able to explain if someone asked her.

But her stance hadn't changed, if it kept bothering her this much she should just blow it out although for some reason this one stayed on her, almost as if it had lodged itself deep in her ass. She wasn't completely sure of it but it almost felt as if the small thing was trying to force itself inside.

'Heh, whatever that is, it must have a death wish' Lillian chuckled, figuring that going deep into the butt of a girl as gassy as she was right now had to be one of the worst ideas ever and this very same thought gave her pause.
'Would he be able to handle it? That guy Jim barely withstood Lulu's for a few minutes... but on the other hand that's Lulu and her atom bombs. Not like mine are that much smaller but maybe they're not so bad?'

Meanwhile, the silver-haired nun slipped one of her arms free from the plump, twitching folds that had been pinching it in place an tried to get her hand into the very middle to pry and open Lillian's anus. In response, the sphincter would only twitch faster but differently, its undulations seemed to try to push her away rather than pull her in like before but the girl stubbornly clung onto it, her fingers digging slightly into the rubbery flesh causing it to itch more. Suddenly, her whole surroundings swung drastically from side to side several times, making the enormous meaty walls at her sides to jiggle and wobble wildly like a gigantic earthquake or more accurately, a seaquake. Lillian's doughy cheeks behaved a lot more like a liquid under these circumstances, forming massive rippling waves that traversed the vast twin fleshy expanses she had for asscheeks.

Lillian huffed in growing frustration, she tried shaking her hips to knock off whatever was on her asshole to no avail. Never in her life had a piece of butt lint been so stubborn and now she made it her personal goal to remove it. She didn't want to have to use her hands though because she felt like she'd lose to a mere inanimate object. As this thing was trapped in her ass, she'd be using nothing but that ass to get rid of it.

'I bet it feels lovely but she's trying so hard to resist' The shrunken girl thought, imagining a similar scenario with a Lillie trapped in the depths of her own ass though she knew that if that were the case, she'd be a far more "welcoming" host, though the idea of "playing hard to get" piqued her curiosity, maybe the end result would be more pleasant if she held off from getting immediate pleasure. She made a mental note to try this later if the chance presents itself.

In spite of Lillian's increased efforts to get her away, she expertly navigated through every single bounce, every single jiggle and twitching undulation to get back to her prize, indicating that this was far from being her first such rodeo. In mere minutes, she was once again knocking on the fleshy backdoor, trying to tickle it, tempting it into opening so she could slip inside. The sweltering heat nor the thick, noxious lingering gases from Lillian's previous blasts dissuaded her and with sheer determination she held on and slowly she managed to achieve the seemingly impossible: Like a colossal maw, the middle of the pink-ish muscly ring began to open. Her heart skipped a few beats and as soon as it opened wide enough she slipped in...

Much to her surprise, when she entered the anus clenched shut, holding her in place, like a beast that refused to swallow the morsel in its jaws. The strength with which each fleshy fold was pressing into her was beyond overwhelming. Somehow, it was determined to not allow her to slip a single millimeter deeper.

"Huh?!" The pervy nun raised an eyebrow, for this had never happened to her before. The folds holding her resumed twitching but much more rapidly and with a specific rhythm to them, reminiscent of a beast coughing or perhaps about to throw up "What the f-"

At that instant, a truly monstrous blast erupted from the depths of Lillian's gut, blowing her away at lightning speed and with such force that her tiny body tore right through the taut wall of fabric that was her thong-like panties. During all the jostling Lillian's ample hips had done, her shorts had ridden down enough that the back of her underwear was left exposed and thus, Caren Laitinen, the lecherous nun, was shot out like a speeding bullet...

August 18