"The collapse of Earthling society and ensl...
Equestria Invading Chapter 13
· original author:
"Humanity is broken in body and soul by Equestria, it's people forced into eternal servitude to produce more and more food for the bloated masses. Humanity's society and culture will topple and disintegrate, and Equestria will descend into decadence and depravity. The earth will be reduced to nothing more than a massive factory, its land and resources entirely devoted to the unending and insatiable appetites of the ponies."

"...Sweet Jesus." Horace said. "Is that...is that even possible?"

"Quite so, I am afraid." Princess Luna said. "Equestria has the resources, the knowhow, the manpower....and the boundless greed to make it possible."

"But why can't humanity fight them off?" Horace asked. "Ponies don't have planes or tanks or atomic bombs or...anything like that."

"But they do have spells that can turn iron and steel into rust. Spells that can reflect any bullet or explosive. Troops that can fly faster than any airplane or tear through cement walls with their bare hands."

"Oh God."

"We need to stop this, now." Princess Luna said. "By any means necessary. The cost may be great, but we must stop this now."

"What would you have me do, then?"

April 19