What is Weird?
· original author:
Rin tilted her head quizzically at your comment. "Did you pass by it this morning? I had some of the rough outline done but not much else really. Crap, did I paint something I've seen before without realizing it?"

You had certainly never seen anything like what Rin had created. The almost alien portrayal of the human body and blending of the colors was so strange... and yet so nostalgic. "No, I don't think I've seen this before. And yet... I do?" You weren't making any sense and you knew it. You figured any second Rin would ask you to stop talking crazy. Looking back at her though, her eyes told you otherwise. She didn't say anything, and yet her eyes told you to continue talking. To just let your thoughts out, no matter how she might think you sound. "I think... when I was in your mouth... I saw... things."

"Like my teeth?" Rin interjects, spreading her lips to refresh your memory.

"No, well yes I saw them, but that's not what I'm talking about," You continue. "I think it was... some kind of vision or delusion. It was like... swirling colors and bodies that were contorting, mixing, and blending in impossible ways. The closest comparison is... well your painting there. With everything that was going on inside there, I think my brain was getting... overwhelmed i guess."

"Overwhelmed how?" Rin asked. She sounded genuinely curious.

"Well for one there was the fact that it was hotter and muggier than anything I've ever experienced. The constant noises of the human body coming from every direction. The inescapable slime and goo coating me my entire being. The inability to smell anything other than stale breath. Not to mention the somewhat frequent sucking and licking of my body." That last comment gets you a shrug out of her. "I mean, I guess it was better than when you were walking around with me on your foot, but I wish you would have at least said something before you dropped me in."

"What do you think it all means? What you saw and what you felt, how does it fit together?"

"I don't know. Some of my thoughts are conflicting and others... I can't even find the words to explain them. While I was squished up against your tongue it was gross, but also nice? Like I know I was soaking in your slobber, but it was soft and relaxing once I got past that. The bubbling sounds from your belly were scary but the whooshing of your lungs was soothing. I was alone, but your were aware of me and all around me too. I guess while I was definitely being overwhelmed and I wanted out, a part of me deep down ... to a degree at least... liked it. Does that... make me weird?"

Rin didn't answer immediately, she seemed to be deep in thought. She just looked down at you on the paint container she spat you onto. "So you were somewhat forced into doing something that you both liked and didn't like and began to feel overwhelmed, and that caused you to see things like my mural?"

"I... guess that's one way to put it," You reply nervously.

Then she bent over, her tie drooping down just above you, her breasts flanking you and just touching the edge of the plastic top.

"W-what are you doing?!" You exclaim, afraid she was about to crush you.

What she said surprised you more than anything else she had said yet. "I'm hugging you."

"W-why?"You stammer.

Pulling back, her giant face came back into view. She was looking down at you with her familiar dull expression. "Did I misread that? You said that you felt like you were weird and I wanted to make you feel better."

"Oh... thanks." You could feel your face redden and were thankful that you were probably too small for her to see that.

"No problem," She continued. "You shouldn't feel bad about expressing yourself. Besides, what you described made sense to me. Heck you even got closer to properly interpreting my painting than most people usually do." What did she mean by that? Before you could inquire further, Rin's focus was caught by a passing butterfly. After the colorful insect fluttered out of sight, she turned back to survey her mural. "*Sigh* I still have a lot to do though. Better get back to work."

"Hey!" You shout out, finally regaining her attention. "What about me?" With the introspective conversation over, you had remember why you had her stow you in her mouth in the first place, to get back to normal size.

Rin thought for a moment before responding. "Oh yeah, you still need me right? Well my throat is feeling better now so you can hop back in while I paint."

"What? No Rin, I need you to get my bag so I can get my medicine remember? I need to get big again."

Your protest solicited a nonplussed expression from your handless handler as she seemed to search her memory banks. "Oh yeah. You needed your medicine so I carried you with my feet. Then I carried you with my mouth because you didn't like me carrying you with my feet."

"Yes, and then we were going to get my key you got distracted and painted for what I can only guess was around (you look to the sky and see that the sun had dipped below the treeline) 4 hours?"

"Not quite. I was struck with inspiration and painted for what you can only guess was around 4 hours."

"Anyway... I'd appreciate it if we could go back to getting my bag so I can return to my proper size, take a shower, and call it a day."

"You should shower in the morning, it's a good way to wake up."

"Normally I would but seeing as I'm covered in spit, I'd rather get clean sooner than later." You lifted up your arms, allowing the sticky tendrils hang and accentuate your point.

"I once read that saliva is a natural disinfectant. Maybe you're actually cleaner now than you've ever been before?"

If anyone else had said that, you'd be certain that they were just teasing. Rin on the other hand sounded completely serious. The stuff certainly didn't smell clean, but you decided to not press the issue, "I figure it out later. Can you please take a few minutes to help me out with this?"

Rin closes her eyes and thinks...
February 17
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