Spending the Day In Rin
· original author:
Soon enough you would be back in your room getting returned to your normal size. For the time being though, you were going to be stuck inside of Rin's mouth. It was dark, hot, and dank, but you figured you might as well try to make the best of it. With your ears already full of saliva, you had nothing to lose by resting your head on her tongue. Tongues are soft right? It'll be just like a giant, gross pillow. The moment you sunk your head into the muscle, you found that soft didn't begin to describe the velvety suppleness. It was like you were laying on a cloud... made of friendly slugs. The constant motion of a giantess in movement was much easier to deal with than when you were between her toes, even combined with the random undulations of the tongue and bobbing of her head. While the risk of being swallowed was still in the back of your mind, it somehow wasn't as scary as when you were watching your giant classmates stomp around. It was impossible to keep track of time, but at some point the heat and humidity started to get to you. Your head was swirling like you had spent too much time in a hot tub, though honestly Rin's mouth wasn't too different from a sauna at the moment. You felt yourself spacing out. Bizarre, colorful images began flooding you mind though you still had enough sense to realize how surreal this whole ordeal was. You found yourself not caring though and snuggled up against the taste-buds, trying to find meaning in the strange pictures running through your head.

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You are eventually brought back to reality by a series of explosive sounds. You still couldn't see but from the feel and smell of it, you were still in Rin's mouth. Your theory was confirmed shortly after as the lips opened for the first time since you entered. The light was dimmer than you expected after being in pitch blackness but you were still a little out of it. The tongue you had been resting on began to extend outwards before forming a slope. You slid down the slick flesh and came to a stop in a small puddle of drool on top of a plastic container. You wiped the spit from your face and looked around. You expected to be back at the dorm or maybe your classroom but you seemed to be somewhere outside.

You called out to Rin, who seemed to be enjoying a bottle of water, "Hey Rin, what's going on?"

She took a few more drinks before answering you,"My throat was dry, I had to put you down so I could take a drink."

Not quite the information you were looking for but at least she was having some consideration for you. "Uh, thanks."

"It's hard for me to drink and keep things in my mouth. I figured it would be a pain to try and get you out of my stomach so letting you out for a bit made the most sense."

You were a bit disturbed by that last comment but you decide to keep that to yourself. "Yeah... anyway, did you get my bag? What time is it?."

She shakes her head, "Not yet. Got struck with inspiration. Been working on the mural. Don't know what time it is but I think class let out a while ago."

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "It's... it's been hours? You kept me here all afternoon?"

"Yeah, I got a lot done. I might actually finish before the last moment. That would be nice for a change."

"It would have taken like 15 minutes. You couldn't have gotten my things or at least let me out?"

"Couldn't risk it. My thoughts are fleeting, like... hmm... anyway, I need to paint before I lose the though. If I don't then it goes way slower. That's why I'm behind in the first place. For whatever reason I was on a roll so I rolled with it. As for letting you out, I didn't really think about it. You taste decent which was nice."

You were shocked by her extraordinary indifference. You thought she was helping you but she doesn't seem to understand how serious this was. Your life threatening crisis was her back-burner chore. You felt your body temperature rising and looked away to try and calm yourself. Then you saw the mural. It was... different. A collage of body parts and oddly proportioned people. Some parts were just outlines while others were blends of unnatural colors. It sort of reminded you of what you saw while you were zoned out earlier. This is what she created while she kept you captive inside her body.
February 17
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