She was asked to answer a question.
· original author:
Having regained your bearings, you figure you might as well proceed to listen to the class lecture. It's a bit hard to hear the outside world amidst the

sounds of Hanako's innermost workings, but you don't really mind the background noise. You may even call it soothing.

You listen up for a good few minutes or so, until both you and Hanako are startled by what the teacher says.

"How about you, Miss Ikezawa."

Hanako's tongue tightens up against you in a bout of nervousness, nearly pushing the air out of your lungs. A whimper, escalated to a roar at your size,

erupts from her throat and passes over you.

"Miss Ikezawa, can you answer the question please?"

You can picture it now. All eyes in the room focused on Hanako, casually awaiting a response, unaware of her predicament and the shrunken guy that is

presently crammed into her mouth. It's tough to imagine a way out of this. It certainly wouldn't go over well if she simply spat you out. The rumors and

insults that arise from such a scene could be staggering to her. Hanako's got enough problems without people thinking of her as a cannibal.

But what choice do you have? She can't speak while you're in her mouth, and there's no other way out...

Except, of course, through the dark pit at the back of the mouth, Hanako's throat. You shiver just thinking of the idea, but it would let her answer the

question without anyone seeing you. The gulp would just be seen as a nervous habit, nobody would be any the wiser, and she could probably get you out before

you run out of air or get digested. At least, you hope so.

No time to think about it further, time to act. You gather air back in your lungs to the best of your ability and gingerly speak up.

"J-just... just swallow me, Hanako! It's okay! There's nothing else we can do!"

You can't believe what you just said. There's no way Hanako would actually gulp you down. It's insane. You consider relenting and just telling her to spit

you out instead.

However, Hanako doesn't give you the luxury of bailing out. Her tongue finally loosens its death grip on you, only to undulate uncomfortably low behind you.

As you look back, the expanse of Hanako's throat opens, buckets of saliva streams stretching over and breaking at the opening of the passage.

Your memories of being an unwilling snack to Shizune come back to you. You're regretting this decision even more. You don't want to be eaten! What if she

can't find a way to get you out quickly enough? What if her acids are stronger and start to break you down before you can be retrieved?

As you're swiftly sent backwards, it occurs to you that you can't even fight this. Hanako clearly wants to be done with the action as soon as possible,

pushing you ever more backwards with unrelenting force. Her teeth become farther away. Her uvula hangs overhead, marking your descent as you quickly pass

under it.

As Hanako's overwhelmingly powerful throat muscles take hold of you, you briefly worry about the possibility of getting stuck here at this size. Or worse

still, getting smashed by the sheer force of her swallow, breaking a majority of bones and reducing you to nothing better than the cute schoolgirl's snack

that you are destined to be.

Despite the most horrifying of your fears, you manage to get pulled through the expanse of Hanako's throat without much trouble. You'd give credit to Hanako

for her persistence in the act, if you weren't in this predicament.

A loud, rumbling, squelching sound can be heard as you are promptly released from pressure and sent sliding down Hanako's esophagus.

With, hopefully, the worst of it over, you try to relax yourself to the booming, yet somehow still cute, voice of Hanako as she finally answers the question

she was given.

The ring of flesh protecting the entrance to Hanako's stomach, hidden under other folds of her throat flesh, takes you by surprise, unmercifully dropping you

into the hot, caustic, and most importantly deadly, depths of her belly. As you make contact with the 'floor', your face smacks hard against the shriveled,

mostly digested remains of a gummy bear, nearly knocking the wind out of you. Bruise to the face due to falling onto the remains of Hanako's stomach, that'd

be a hard one to cover up.

Though, you're presently more concerned with not going the way of the poor gummy bear. Besides that sweet treat, you find yourself nearly neck-deep in the

sludge of Hanako's previous meals. It happens to be a good deal thicker than what you experienced in Shizune's stomach, acting much like quicksand, eager to

drag you down and add you to its mass, and soon after, Hanako's.

Feeling a shot of adrenaline, you struggle and push against the relentless forces of Hanako's digestive system in order to keep your head exposed. Even if

she does get you out, this plan won't go over very well if you're smothered and snuffed out simply by the presence of the stomach contents.
February 17