Being Reborn Inside the Young Cream
· original author:
A good short while nothing was happening to Vanilla and she was starting to fear something happened to you like being in some random girl’s womb and being part of a new family. It was then she heard a *THUD* were she looked to the source of the noise. Cream dropped the book you gave to watch over and she was placing her hands on her flat tummy. “Creamy? What's wrong sweetie?”. Cream was giving a troubled look on her face before saying, “My tummy feels funny”. Vanilla then let out a gasp as she sees a glow coming from Cream’s belly shining through her dress. Cream then let out a moan while Vanilla watched as her daughter’s belly that was flat before started to inflate becoming big and round stretching her dress and causing it to lift up. showing her belly button. Once you settled in her womb and her belly stopped growing Cream opens her eyes and sees her belly letting out a gasp of her own. “Mom, what happened to my belly? Why is it big?”. Vanilla replies, “It must be because of [Y/N]. His spell must have sent him inside of your womb instead. I know he said that he could end up in any female womb, but I thought he meant any ADULT female. I didn’t think it would anyone as small as you too. Are you ok Creamy?”. Cream looks down at her belly and sees the movement coming from inside it. “So [Y/N] is not going to be my brother and going to be my son instead?”. She paused for a moment then wrapped her arms around her belly and says, “I’m ok with this”. Vanilla was shocked by her daughter’s response to this situation. “How can you be ok with this sweetie? You’re still young and shouldn’t be having any babies yet. He will need a lot of care from you being his nee mom. You understand?”. Cream nods yes and replies, “I promise to a great mommy like you”. Vanilla let out an “awww...” getting a compliment and love from her daughter. She just lets out a sigh seeing as even if she said she was against it they is no way to get you out of Cream anyways since the spell was irreversible.

While they both thought of what to do next the two rabbits hear a voice. “Can you two hear me?”. They recognized it to be your voice. “[Y/N]?” Cream asks. They both then see an astral projection of you in front of them. “Why do you look like a ghost?”. You respond, “Though I regressed into a fetus I seem to have the ability to use low level magic like making a projection of myself to you. I wanted to ask you if the spell was a success. I do feel like I’m in a place nice and warm. Though it feel a little cramped in here. So did it work?”. Vanilla replies, “Well yes and no. You did end up in a womb but not mine”. You gulped and ask, “You mean that I’m...”. Cream quickly replies, “Yup. You’re in my tummy right now”. You let out a sigh and say, “Well I did say this sort of thing might happen if we used the spell”. Cream can tell you sound a little concerned about what happened and asks with a little sadness in her voice, “You... don’t like that I’m going to be your mommy now?”. You realized you might have hurt her feelings feeling unsure so you needed to act fast. “Huh? N-no way. I think you will make a great mom. After all, your mom is great at being a mom so you will be just as great as her”. She smiled then let out a giggle while rubbing her belly. Vanilla lets out a giggle as well then says, “I think I’ll leave you two alone for a bit as mother and son. You two are probably hungry so I’ll make you two a snack”. “Thanks mom. I’m getting hungry now having two stomachs to feed”.

While Vanilla went into the kitchen, you and Cream got to talking as new parent and child. “You know what I love about this most [Y/N]? The way you move around in there”. You reply, “To be honest, I’m moving a lot in here is because it’s a little cramped in here. Mind if I make some more room?”. She replies, “I don’t mind. Go ahead”. You used your magic causing her belly to grow and the fleshy walls around you began to separate from each other making more room for you. Cream just watched her belly get larger letting out a small moan. “You comfy in there now?”. You reply, “Yeah, a lot better. Thanks Cream. Oh, I guess I should call you mom now huh?”. Cream had a big smile on her face, “Mom... I like the sound of that”. Vanilla came back carrying a plate of carrot cake. “I think you two deserve something sweet to eat”. “Oh wow mom. That looks delicious. I would love some please”. Cream extended out her hand ready to receive the plate when her hand started glowing then the plate of cake started to glow then hover out of Vanilla’s hands. This shocked Cream making Cream put down her hand and the plate as well but luckily Vanilla was fast enough to catch it. “What was that?” Cream asks. You laugh then explain, “I told you before that anyone who becomes my mother will be able to have to use magic as well when we become linked. Since it’s you, you can now use magic even when I come out in the next few months”. Cream’s eyes sparkled with fascination as she says, “I can use magic now? This is amazing”. Before she could think of doing anything Vanilla stops her and says, “Before you do anything magical finish your snack first”. “Okay mom”. Cream started shoving pieces of cake into her mouth. Once reaching her stomach some of it goes to you and you sample more of your now grandma’s cooking. “Wow, this cake is great Vanilla”. Cream adds in, “I know right? She always makes the best dessert. Amy does too but I think mom’s will always be better”. After Cream finished the cake you started getting sleepy and let out a yawn. “Getting sleepy little one?” Vanilla asks. Yeah, think I’ll take a little rest. Wake me up of you ever need me. Cream laughs and says, Okay, just get a good rest my baby”. With those last words your eyes got heavy and went to sleep and your projection disappeared from the Rabbits’ eyes.

Both Vanilla and Cream were thinking of what to do next while you were resting, then...

June 2, 2023