Frown, the problem still persist even if you tu...
· original author:
Vanilla went silent as she carefully considered your words, letting them roll around and simmer in her mind as she considered all her options..
After about a minute of deep pontification, she frowned and slowly shook her head.
"No... This isn't the way. I won't let you change who you are on my account, no matter what trouble may come. You're my responsibility now and as such the consequences of what might happen are my sole burden to bear. I'm not going to force you to change yourself because it would be easier for me. We're just going to have to find another way around this."

You could tell that there was a strong sense of conviction behind her words, and though for her you would change yourself in a heartbeat if it meant avoiding trouble for your new family, you greatly respected her words and decided to put turning into a Mobian on the shelf for now.

"...Alright. I'll stay human if that makes you happy."

Vanilla smiled sweetly and pulled you into a close hug. "It does. It really does."
Her oversized breasts enveloped your head, sealing your face into a soft, fuzzy mask.
Vanilla continued holding you close for a few more minutes in an embrace that bestowed warm, cuddly feelings in your chest and neck, before finally releasing you to allow you to come up for air.

Vanilla gazed at you lovingly and softly brushed her hand over your hair, an action that you greatly enjoyed and had no issue with voicing your approval of.
While she held you close to her breast the gears in her mind began whirring.
She saw a plan forming in her head of a way to keep you in your human state while avoiding the ire of the human government who most likely take you away from her.

June 2, 2023
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