Amy comes in to visit her best friend and sees ...
They heard knocking sounds coming from the main door startling them both, Cream gasped silently "I forgot Amy was coming to visit." She murmured as she rubbed her taut belly, Vanilla frowned, she too forgot her coming, Cream has no meant hide her newly formed pregnancy with her new grandson.

She cringed a little, never she though she would use that word early in this stage of her life.


There was some knocking again "Cream! Is me Amy! You there?" They heard her voice "You say I could visit you and your mom, brought some brownies.



Vanilla looked down on her with a gentle smile "We can't hide your new pregnancy to Amy, lest we can do is to bring her in to our little secret and keep thing low for a while." Cream nodded and walked her way to the door.

"Coming!" She says as she opened the door.

"Hi Cream-- AAHH!" She shrieked in surprise and shock, almost dropping her stray of brownies when she saw the Rabbit rubbing her 4 months old belly. "Cream? What happened to you?" The pink hedgehog asked concerned, you weren't like this a few days ago."

"Well.. I... I'm pregnant." She says with a sheepish smile. This caused Amy to look at her weirdly then to her taut belly then back to her.

"Pregnant?" She asked in completed disbelief "You weren't pregnant a few days a go.."

"Well, it's because of special circumstances." Vanilla came in next to her daughter, placing an hand to her shoulder while smiling "In reality, that belly she is now spotting should've been in me instead, unfortunately, he went into Cream."

"Wait.. he?" Amy was now even more confused "Going inside of Cream instead of you... That doesn't make any sense!"

"I think we should explain more inside. Come in." Both rabbits let the confused and an bit startled hedgehog enter, Vanilla closed the door behind

She was going to be in for a quite revelation...


"So... let me get this straight, an cute little human malr came in, like appearing straight into your home, say he is magician, do some magic tricks and give him the choice to be with you, he choose being part of the family by becoming your new son and Cream's sibling, but because of some complications of him not existing and being a human, he had to go through another spell which is was going into your womb and rebirth him to make things more official and solidify his stay in this world but the spell didn't aimed you and instead aimed Cream's and now he is Cream's son and your new grandson.

Vanilla nodded as sips on her tea, Cream was eating muffins given her new apetite, she is eating for two now. Both Rabbit nodded at her and Amy sighed.

"Sorry but... I find it hard to believe."

"We know it sounds a bit hard to swallow, I myself doesn't quite grasp it either, feel like a dream even." Vanilla says "Either way, I'm happy regardless, this is not quite what I had in mind for Creamy and for him but it is better for him wound up being here rather than appearing in some other's womb."

Amy nodded although she frowned, she should've come earlier. Nevertheless, she was happy on this new arrangements and loved the idea of it.

What happened next?
June 2, 2023