Before she say anything, you tell, her that you...
"I insist." Vanilla blinked hearing those words, she looked down at you and was recieved with a frown. "Miss Vanilla, I insist"

"But I thought you agreed."

"I did but I'm thinking a bit better, I prefer the transformation option or at least, an spell to make your claim over me more legitimate. I like to remain human too but I also want to be here with you two as my guardians on this world and if I'm to remain human, fine, the spell I have doesn't need to include the transformation." You reclutantly added, this make the matriarch rabbit

You regretful broken the hug as you float on front of her and her daughter, you continue "If I remain human and the G.U.N. finds me, it's gonna be my fault, not yours because I'm endangering you and Cream if I remain as I am." You stated before they reply, you stop them "I don't wanna feel guilty knowing that I put you on risk."

Both rabbit's looked each other and...
June 2, 2023