They concede to your point and want to hear you...
They looked each other before Vanilla sighed. She have to concede with your reasoning, as much she wanted to you to remain unchanged, there was some legit thought that by staying here, it could pose a threat to her and her daughter, the G.U.N. frankly doesn't care if what they do is legitimate altruism on helping a child by giving him a family.

He was a male, that it's enough to bring him to Station Square but he was also an interdimentional human with magic powers, he doesn't exist in the system and humans are pretty much an endangered species, that's enough claim.

She was curious on what you had planned, obviously involves magic and a spell but why did you looked hesitant?

"You say there is a spell that makes our claim with you more legit?" Cream asked, she looked a bit confused "I... don't see why the big deal. Why not just stay with us as a cute rabbit?"

"Isn't that simple, Creamy, even if he turns into a Rabbit or a Mobian in general, it'll be awkward to explain where he come from."

"And this is where this spell comes in." You start with a gulp, you were nervous "It's... weird and its considered invasive by the makers and the former council of arcane back in the day but no illegal per say. It's called the infiltrator enchantment and works with an strong regression spell, some enchantments and resurrection charms to work." Infiltrator spell?

"Why it's called infiltrator enchantment and why it's invansive?" Vanilla asked curious, The human mage child shifted uncomfortably as he floats, her curiously peaked as he landed on front of them.

"Well... it's because before the stealth spell. Multiversal Mages when entering into a Civilizations with strong security and population control that de aged down so much that uses the resurrections charms to guide the unborn mage to the reproductive system of someone then reconceived and/or gestated for some months until rebirth, in this way, the mage is reborn within the system but this was before the transformation spells and mind control or psychic suggestions." You finished the explanation and cringed seeing their gaped and wide eyed expression "Yeah, what I'm suggesting is... well for you to be pregnant with me and birth me, it is then you have clear and legal claim on me... Yeah, I have apprehensions on this too as there is a small risk, but this is the best solution I got."

The Rabbits took consideration and stipulation, especially Vanilla.
June 2, 2023