Cream and Vanilla's house
· original author:
You were in a large house, one that made you feel like a little kid. The house had plenty of knick-knacks, like little trophies, dioramas of various places, books on all sorts of topics, and pictures.

The pictures had anthropomorphic clothes-wearing animals that let you know that you did indeed enter a Sonic dimension. You had to stretch to grab one.

It had two people in it. Vanilla the Rabbit and Cream the Rabbit. Vanilla had an exaggerated hourglass figure and Cream seemed to look more like a teenager and appeared to be about a B cup or so.

You put back the picture when you heard a door open and close.

"Mama! Cheese and I are home!" Cream's voice called out.

"That's good, dear! I just finished making Lunch!" Vanilla's voice called back.

Cream and Cheese entered the living room and stared at you. You saw that you were just under her breasts. This version of Cheese seemed to be female. They looked like they were a head shorter than you. Cheese had a shortstack body, which mean their boobs and ass were big enough to look out of place on their body. Cream eventually asked, "Who are you?"

"I am [Y/N] and I entered some magic portal and wound up here. I can leave if you want me to," You answered.

She looked at Cheese, who said something in Chao-language. Cream nodded before saying, "Mama! We found a man! Can he join us for Lunch?"

"A man?" Vanilla muttered as she walked into the living room. She was large! The picture didn’t do her justice! She had boobs bigger than both your head and body! You could curl up in a ball and she could cover you up with her ass if she sat on you! She was so tall, you barely reached halfway up her thighs! "Huh, so it really is a man. I guess he can, if he wants."

"I'd be happy to. If it isn't a problem, can you let me know about this world?" you asked, hoping that this world's Sonic went through enough weird adventures that friends and acquaintances wouldn't be too put offabout alternate worlds.

As you ate, Vanilla explained that a long time ago, men and women were the same height and had equal numbers. As time went on, women grew bigger and stronger. Men were born less and less. It happened to both humans and furries, which meant that you could meet an amazon version of the Sonic the Hedgehog's Madonna Topaz , or even Katella .

The lack of men did mean that a good number were protected in a secure government locations. Most births were done by artificial fertilization. The men outside of the goverment locations were required to give some semen from time to time.

You told them a bit about your grandma and the magic book you got from her. As you expected, they weren't too surprised about it. At most, they were more surprised at the fact you didn't come to ask for help.

"Pretty much, I'm just traveling," You answered.

"Kind of like Sonia!" Cream cheerful said. You nodded.

"Do you plan on staying?" Vanilla asked with a friendly smile. "We have a spare room if you want to stay."

"Or you can share a bed with me or Mama, like in a sleepover!" Cream said.

Vanila look away, trying to hide the blush on her face with one of her hands. She looked back and said, "If you do stay, I can protect you. Either by adopting you and letting you be Cream's new brother or you can marry me."

"Or you can date me, Mr. [Y/N]!" Cream answered, waving her hand. You weren't sure how old she was. In the games, she's like 6 or so. This one might be older, though.

"But if you don't plan on staying with me for long, I do advise keeping a low profile and avoid crowds during heat season," Vanilla said, looking quite worried and serious.

"Can I have time to think about it?" You asked, getting a little worried.

Vanilla cheered up before answering, "Take as much time as you need. Don't worry about food. You eat nowhere near as much as us or Cheese. If you want to make it up to us, perhaps you can help us with various chores."

Before going to bed and after you woke up in the morning, you thought about your situation. Eventually, you decided on...
June 2, 2023
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