"I'll take it into my bedroom and eat it"
A Tiny Child Chapter 13
· original author:
*she walked up with the tines unaware of them stuck in the delicious frosting and walked up stairs to her room she pulled out her laptop and locked her door* "it's time for some fun" *she said with a smirk and then you saw her starting to undress your friend and you for a moment get distracted by her body as she undresses and it is in a pink Lacey bra and panties and then they come off too her nude naked body looms over you she grabs the cupcake and takes a bite of it as she started to masturbate with her other hand she took another bite of it getting a lot closer to you all so close that it caused Adam to fall off onto her chest you and your friend are still on the cupcake still approaching her mouth again*
May 12, 2023
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