Held by your sweet sister
A Tiny Child Chapter 12
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You look towards the door to see your sister coming in. She was currently wearing blue jeans and a pink shirt that was a bit small for her. You and your friends were shocked to see her standing there.

"What's your sister doing here?" Adam asked, a bit panicked.

"Sometimes her classes end early! We need to get her attention before she decides to eat." You respond, believing you wouldn't be able to get the hovercraft out in time. Your two friends started to wave their hands wildly as she came closer. She leaned in and smelled the cupcakes.

"Ah, they smell good. I don't think it would be that bad if I had a couple." She said. Her enormous fingers wrapped around your neighbor and lifted it away. Your eyes widen as she shoved it in her mouth completely and chewed it up.

"She just… ate that cupcake… like it was nothing!" Scott said, backing up. Adam started to yell at her as loud as he could as her fingers captured another victim. You looked at her exposed bellybutton. The thought of being on the other side, it was too scary to even think about. As she finished her cupcake, her fingers grabbed the one you and your friends were standing on. You yelled as your platform was lifted up to her lips.

"She's going to eat us! What are we going to do?!" Scott yelled. Adam rushed to the hovercraft and started to dig it out as fast as he could. As Scott started to help him, you noticed you weren't getting any closer to her lips.

"I think this cupcake deserves a special fate. Huh? What's this?" She asked reaching for the hovercraft. She grabbed it and pulled it out, knocking Adam and Scott onto their backs.

"She can't see us! We're too camouflaged. Guys, start eating the frosting on you." You told the others. You looked back to see your sister throwing away your hovercraft.

"I don't know what that was, but it's gone now." She turned back to the cupcake you were on. You looked to see your friends trying to clean themselves off as fast as they could. "Now as I was saying, I think this cupcake will get a special fate…"
May 12, 2023
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