... Three different Twilight Sparkles."
Equestria Invading Chapter 10
· original author:
It took me a moment to really comprehend what I was looking at. There, standing in the doorway, was a Twilight Sparkle, a Twilight Sparkle, and a Twilight Sparkle. All three were wearing the same purple shirt and blue jeans that my Twilight was. The first one was somewhat slimmer than my Twilight, the second one was about the same weight but with a pear-shaped body, and the third one was...considerably fatter than my Twilight, enough so that she just barely fit in the doorway....and, for some odd reason, wore a pair of spectacles on her face.

"Hello, there!" the first Twilight said. "May we come in?"

"Of course." I said. "It's my pleasure."

As the three Twilights made their way into my home, my Twilight came up to them and hugged them all.

"It's good to see you." my Twilight said. "It's nice, isn't it?"

"Very nice!" the first Twilight sad.

"Lovely!" the second Twilight said.

"You have a wonderful home, John!" the third Twilight said, smiling at me.

As the four Twilight Sparkles began to talk amongst themselves, I simply stood there and watched them converse. It was, to say the least, an eerie sight, watching as the four near identical ponies converse about all manner of odd topics, using the same speech patterns and making the same facial expressions at one another. Kinda creepy, really.

Eventually, when they were done talking, the five of us made our way into the kitchen, where the four pizzas I ordered were already waiting for us, and the four Twilights unceremoniously began to eat through three of them, clearing the first one by the time I had eaten half a slice.

The night went on quite peacefully after that, with the four Twilights talking about various things until late at night, at which point the three other Twilights finally left, leaving me along with my Twilight.

"That was fun, wasn't enough?" Twilight (my Twilight said), her shirt just a little tighter in the chest.

"Yes, yes it was." I said, unable to think of anything more to say.

Choice 1: The other three Twilights come back to dinner on a regular basis.

Choice 2: The other three Twilights come back whenever John isn't at home.
April 19