"Could I have something to eat?"
Equestria Invading Chapter 6
· original author:
"Oh, yeah." I said. "What would you like?"

"Anything you have." said Twilight. "Just feeling a bit peckish right now."

I went over to the fridge and opened it up. There was.....half a galleon of milk, some orange juice, a bag full of apples, a few bottles of condiments, a few bottles of soda....and half a leftover pizza from the night before.

"Would you be all right with pizza?" I asked her. "It's cold, so I would have to heat it up."

"Oh, that sounds perfect!" she said, sitting down on one of the chairs.

After piling the pizza onto a plate and nuking it for a couple minutes, I took it out and handed it over to Twilight, who after a moment or two of inspection, picked up one of the slices, took one small dainty bite of the greasy mess....and then, a few moment's later, managed to shove the entire slice into her mouth.

"This is delicious!" she said, after shoving a second piece into her mouth and swallowing it in one gulp. "Simply wonderful!"

"That's good to hear." I said, watching as she devoured the rest of the pizza. "You must've been hungry as well."

"I suppose I was, yes." Twilight said. "My internal reactor needed all the caloric intake to really get going, I think."

"Internal.....you have a power reactor inside you?" I said.

"Sort of.....it's a specially designed digestive system that can consume any sort of biological material at near 100%percent efficiency."

"Neat." I said.

"...Could I have something to drink, actually?" she said. "All the salt on the pizza left me feeling kinda thirsty."

As I got up to grab a glass of soda from the fridge, I looked over at Twilight, and noticed that....
April 19
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