No, that was stupid. Well, maybe not stupid so much as 'needlessly complicated.'

And you'd just had an epiphany.

You were thinking about things too realistically. Yeah, the Narrator had given you that whole talk about actions and consequences, and Aki had told you pretty much the same thing, but...

You were over-correcting. There wasn't a need to go for totally rational, thought-out plans in a world that operated on over the top, fanservice-filled anime logic.

You were the protagonist of a harem anime, and you needed to start thinking like one. No, that didn't mean acting like a horndog who thought only with his dick; just... you needed to balance the realism of your old life with the wackiness of this new world.

Case in point. Breaking that pipe may have distracted Haruko and Jouko and stopped the fight... but there was a simple, easy solution here!

Your moment came soon- nobody was focusing on you. Haruko and Jouko were intent on pummeling each other into the ground, and all of the other onlookers were intently watching the fight, too nervous to butt in.

Jouko lashed out with a wild haymaker, the kind of knockout punch that would've floored most people. Haruko brought her shinai up to deflect it, and...




You burned all of your remaining MIND for the day in one instant, focusing all 10 centimeters of growth directly on Haruko's (already) huge chest.

The result was as predictable as it was glorious. Haruko's breasts ballooned outwards, as if they were being pumped full of air...

And Jouko's outstretched fist squished into and bounced off of the oncoming globe of soft, pillowy flesh!

Jouko yelped in alarm and Haruko shrieked in surprise as Jouko's clenched fist set the huge boob jiggling, the massive mountains of plump flesh having burst her straining shirt buttons off, and only barely staying crammed into an extremely uncomfortable bra! The undergarment might have been pink and lacy, but the cutesy look didn't detract from the fact that it was evidently fairly durable... Though for Haruko's sake you hoped she didn't breath too deeply in the next few minutes, otherwise the overloaded undergarment would burst apart into fabric confetti!

(((Heads up, Shujin! You just unlocked a bonus! I'll speak quickly because people are staring. Basically, using your power three or more times on the same 'target' will give you a bonus, letting you repeat the growth/shrinkage again. I honestly didn't think I'd have to explain this so soon in the story, but good on you.)))

That was helpful; and while the idea of inflating Haruko's breasts by another 10 centimeters sounded like a ton of fun, you didn't want to embarrass someone who didn't deserve to be humiliated in public...

So focusing your power once again and applying the 'bonus' usage...

Haruko's bra suddenly expanded by 10 whole centimeters as well.

Damn. Even over a dozen feet away, you could hear the whooshing breath Haruko let out as her overstretched bra suddenly enlarged, going from ready-to-snap to properly-fitting in a single second, no longer painfully constricting her lungs.

All around you... you were hearing pretty predictable responses from the peanut gallery. The guys were either shocked or horny (pretty much typical ecchi anime responses) and the girls were flabbergasted or dismayed that their idol had suffered such an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction.

As for the two combatants...

"You! You punched me in the breast! Who does that?!"

"Wha- It's not like I was trying to! Seriously, don't blame me if your fat tits get in the way of our fight!"

"Well, now look what you've done! M-my shirt is ruined! I can't fight like this!"

"Hah, I expected as much! A true warrior wouldn't let something like that stop them!"

"Rrr... You're only saying that because you're not the one whose shirt just ripped open in public!"

Well... if nothing else, Haruko and Jouko were fighting with words now, rather than with fists or wooden swords. Maybe this was your change to try and deescalate the situation?

Well, here went nothing...

"Jouko! Haruko! Please, stop fighting!" You really wished you knew one (or both) of them better, as you were really just banking on the audacity of your actions to carry you through with this. Hopefully the sheer ridiculousness of Haruko's sudden case of breast expansion would kill their urge to fight.

As if on cue...

"Y-you all! Shoo! Go away!" Haruko stammered, trying in vain to cover her immense chest with her arms. She'd been about on par with the massive Mio before you'd blown her boobs up, and now with a whole extra 10 centimeters, she was even bigger than Aki was... by at least a full cup size!

And while you'd been able to salvage her bra and keep it from bursting apart under the pressure, the same couldn't be said for her shirt. That was just a lost cause; hell most of the buttons had scattered into the wind when they'd popped off with the force of a small bullet behind each one!

Haruko's reputation was apparently respected enough that everyone else cleared out; even the horny boys who clearly wanted to stay and try and ogle their legendary senpai's humongous boobs. Soon enough it was just you, Haruko, and Jouko standing awkwardly in front of the gates to the school.

Jouko's mouth quirked... and you feared she'd whip out some more inflammatory remarks.

What happened was the opposite.

"Bwa ha ha ha! Is that your esper trait, then?! Are you... are you some kind of human pufferfish?" Jouko barely breathed out between laughs, each word making Haruko's face a brighter shade of red!

"P-pufferfish?!" Haruko stammered, still trying to shield her humongous chest from the taller girl's view.

"Yeah, you know how they swell up in response to threats! That's you! Or rather, your boobs! Ha ha ha! I've never seen anything so silly! Oh man, I almost wish I had 'airbags' that could inflate like that! I'd never lose another fight!"

Well... that was unexpected. But at least Jouko was too busy laughing to throw any more punches. Haruko on the other hand looked torn between mortification and bewilderment.

Right... she probably wasn't going to have a fun morning tomorrow, when she went to get dressed and found that almost none of her clothes fit.

Still... crisis averted, right? It was unorthodox, but you had stopped the fight between her and Jouko before it could get out of hand.


You suddenly found yourself the center of both girls attention.

"Sounds like someone's hungry. Now that I think about it, I could definitely eat. I was planning on stopping by that new ramen stand I saw earlier... Wanna come, Shujin?"

Wow, you almost couldn't believe your luck. A girl was asking you to get food with her!

Of course, you knew that Jouko meant 'as friends.' You were under no delusions to think that you were anything else. You'd known her for all of a day, after all.

"Wha- Hey, you can't just take him with you! I still think you're a bad influence!"

At least this time Jouko just rolled her eyes at the irate Haruko's words, rather than getting ready to throw hands.

"Pfft. Whatever, prissy. Are you sure you aren't his big sister or something? Seems to me like it shouldn't matter who Shujin hangs out with as long as it's his choice."

"Why you..."

"Girls, calm down! Haruko, Jouko is a nice person! But I do appreciate you looking out for me. This was my first day here, and I feel glad to know that there's a nice, reliable girl like you looking out for me."

Remarkably, your words actually did have a calming effect on the bodacious duo. Both girls huffed and looked away from each other with arms crossed, but it seemed that the urge to fight with each other was well and truly gone by now.


This time it was both Haruko and Jouko's stomachs growling simultaneously; and both girls flushed slightly at their obvious hunger.

"Alright... I'll tell you what, Haruko. If Shujin's comfortable around you, I'll try not to cause trouble in front of you. And since we got off on the wrong foot, if you want to come grab some food with us, I'll pay for it."

"It's Amaya-san to you, Jouko. But... I'll take you up on that offer." Well, at least the huge-breasted girl and the girl with the huge ass seemed to tolerate each other's presence now, even if they definitely weren't friends.

Still, you couldn't help but point out the elephant in the non-existent room.

"Uh... Haruko-senpai... are you really going to come out with us to eat dressed like that?"

"Dressed like wha- kyah!" And now Haruko had been reminded that she was standing around in public with her shirt almost completely unbuttoned, leaving her titanic bra-clad boobs billowing outwards.

"Here, try this."

"T-thanks, Shujin. I owe you..." Well, offering Haruko your jacket felt like a small consolation considering you were the one who'd blown up her boobs in the first place. The jacket obviously couldn't contain her titanic tits, but she was at least able to arrange it in a way without the buttons that her chest was somewhat obscured. She still looked embarrassed at flashing so much skin, but at least she wouldn't get busted for indecent exposure now. Welp... at least now the three o you could set off for the ramen stand Jouko had mentioned earlier.

It was far from the way you'd imagined today ending, but boy, you sure weren't complaining. You'd met a ton of busty, curvy beauties today, made lunch with two of them, and now you were even going out to dinner (as friends) with another two!

Maybe in time there would be more between you and one of these lovely ladies.

Level: 7 (2 reward points available)
MIND: 5/5
Esper Level: FF

Achievement gained: Refuge in Audacity. Effect: Greatly increases your ability to get away with altering a female target's body or clothes without them realizing it was your doing.

March 23