Taking a third option PART ONE
· original author:
Haruko's shinai rebounded off of Jouko's clenched fist with a resounding crack. Had that been you or any other normal person, you would've been yelping and shaking your stinging hand, worrying that you'd broken fingers.

Jouko just ignored it. You wondered if it had even hurt her at all. Haruko barely ducked under the fist that went sailing over her head, backpedaling to try and make some space between her and the significantly taller girl. Haruko's shinai had a much longer reach than Jouko's fists, but the sheer height advantage (and probable weight advantage) that Jouko had over Haruko meant that the yakuza princess probably only needed to land one or two solid blows to put Haruko out of commission.

Behind you, panicked whispers were spreading among the few students still here. The crowd- not a crowd anymore, as most people had fled, not wanting to get involved- now numbered under ten people counting yourself and the two brawling beauties.

Damn it!

You desperately wanted the two girls to stop fighting, but what the hell could you do? Aki had made it very clear earlier that getting caught between two super-powered teens was a recipe for disaster, potentially fatally so, but you couldn't just stand here doing nothing!

Neither girl had displayed any obvious usage of an esper ability, but from the looks of things neither girl needed to. They were still trading blows, and while neither girl had landed any meaningful hits on the other, you knew one of the girls (or both) was bound to get hurt sooner or later!

What could you do to break up the fight before Haruko hurt Jouko, or vice-versa? What could you do to break up the fight without one girl taking it the wrong way, assuming that you were intervening on behalf of the other girl?

Jouko didn't have many scenes from the game, but you at least knew her a little better than Haruko (of whom you had zero prior knowledge of.) Jouko was headstrong, prideful, and a bit quick to anger, but also loyal, protective, and caring of those she was close to. It didn't take a genius to figure out that if you intervened and tried to pull her away from Haruko she'd take it as a huge betrayal on your part, especially after asking to join her gang this morning.

As for Haruko... from what you could tell, she was that sort of classic anime stereotype of the stern rule-enforcer. There was most definitely more to her character than that, but hey- that was all you could see right now. Assisting Jouko by trying to distract Haruko would not do you any favors as a new student. Haruko was apparently a well-known figure at the school, and more importantly- a figure of no small amount of authority, so siding against her would pretty much screw you over in the long run.

And more importantly, your main reason for not diving right in between the two girls- Aki's story.

You might've been a bonafide ecchi romcom protagonist, but damn it, you were going to be smart about it! Not like that dumbass who'd gotten himself killed (though you'd admit to yourself the unnamed dead student probably had only been trying to help...

In summary, if you wanted to resolve this situation non-violently, you'd have to think outside the box. There had to be something nearby you could use as distraction... like one of the other heroines, maybe?

No, that was dumb. The odds of another heroine showing up right now was... well, something in the back of your head (not the narrator's voice) told you that it wasn't going to happen.

'Damn it, think Shujin, think!' Come on, brain! Work harder! There had to be something you could do here!

Then it clicked.

Every now and then, Haruko's shinai would get knocked away by Jouko's unbreakable guard (how strong were those arms of hers?!) Usually, Haruko was able to stabilize herself on time, but a few times, she'd accidentally whacked her shinai on that old, rusted piping running along the fence and gates to the school.

If anything, the closest comparison you could make was those built in sprinklers/showers in the produce section of a supermarket that would periodically spray the produce with water and mist to keep them fresh and from drying out. Obviously, there were no conduits on this piping in the section running along the underside of the large gates to the schoolyard, but... you could see that the old metal was a bit dented from where it had been struck by Haruko's wayward shinai.

Even better, you could see that the bolts securing the piping to the wall were... well, you had your target. You just needed to wait for the right moment- the next time Haruko's shinai struck the metal tubing- and you'd shrink the bolts holding the piping in place. That should cause a chain reaction that would break the pipe, dowsing both girls! Even if the water to this pipe wasn't turned on, there should still be enough in the pipe that there would be a powerful spray.

Okay... that was the plan you were going to try and enact. It was dumb, relied on luck, and slapped together in under a minute... but it felt like the best shot you had. You were going to take it!

1) Plan A is a-go! Break the pipe and cool their heads!
2) The second dumb idea- Hmm... oh, screw it! Jouko's about to punch Haruko in the boobs, so swell Haruko's breasts enough that Jouko's fist comically bounces off!
3) The third dumb idea- Use your powers to trip Haruko, who falls forward... and accidentally grabs ahold of Jouko's pants, pulling them down to her ankles!

Level: 6
MIND: 3/5
Esper Level: FF
March 23