Clash of the Titans
· original author:
You didn't like where this was going. You had been toyed with in the past and it never ended well. Too bad you could hardly resist and Hanako was to timid to oppose them. "What kind of game?" You asked suspiciously.

"Wahaha~ don't look so tense Nicchan," The loud pink haired girl bellowed. "The student council has a wide assortment of board games. You will play Shicchan in the game of your choice. If you win, you get your bag back and we send you on your way."

"And if I lose?" You ask cautiously.

"We'll figure that out later. Come on Nicchan, it's already late. Pick a game and let the battle begin!"

They certainly seem excited. Whether they truly enjoyed playing games or they were thinking of what they would do to you when you lost you had no idea. Hanako moved over to a set of shelves loaded with games. Unfortunately, you never had much chance to play board games over the year and you had no idea of the rules of really any of them.

"W-what do you think?" Hanako asks. She looked down at you, clearly concerned.

"Umm... I'm not really familiar with any of these," You confess. "Do you know which of these games is most reliant on luck?" You were only have joking about that last statement and Hanako didn't look amused. She began scanning the boxes herself. It didn't take long before her eyes lit up.

"W-would it be okay if... I played in Nick's place?" Hanako asks the pink haired girl.

The pink haired girl gets into another silent conversation with her companion before addressing us again. "That's no fun Ikezawa. Shicchan wants to get to know our newest student. Also this is all due to his mistake so it doesn't seem right to-"

"It's not his fault!" Hanako blurts out, stunning everyone in the room. "Umm, I mean... I could have helped him earlier. He... asked for my help before but... anyway it's my fault too that we are here now. Please, let me do this... for him."

The two seem quite shocked at Hanako's outburst. While they continue to wave their hands around. Hanako picks up a game and places it on the table. They look at the game that Hanako choose. "Chess huh? Very well Ikezawa. Shicchan respects your determination and will allow you to take Nicchan's place in this competition. However, we must remind you that the stakes are still the same. Also, you have to use Nicchan as your king. Wahaha~ that's good Shicchan."

Hanako looked at you. Her eyes told you that she was worried that she may have made a bad decision. "You've got a better shot at beating her than I do Hanako. I'm leaving it to you." You tried to flash her a reassuring smile, but you aren't sure if she can see it at your size. She perks up a little and gives you a nod before setting you on one of the squares. You didn't know how to play chess, but you knew it was supposed to be a game for intellectuals. It was a bit nerve-wracking as the two colossal girls set their monstrous pieces around you. How does Hanako fair?
February 17
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