Jump to the bed and wake Misha
· original author:
Although the gap between the bedside table and Misha’s bed wasn’t large enough to cause any real anxieties around jumping, the space between you and the floor below did. It was certainly a long way down, and failing this jump could leave you a splattered mess on the carpet for Misha to clean in the morning. You shook your head, as if forcefully removing those thoughts from your mind and took several deep breaths. With all the effort in your tiny body, you leaped across the chasm, grabbing fistfuls of Misha’s quilt as you landed to prevent yourself bouncing right off. You looked over at her face - she was still sleeping. How humbling it was to see that your entire bodyweight crashing into her wasn’t enough to even stir her…

The first thing you noticed being on her bed was the smell; Misha didn’t smell bad, but being so close to her and atop bedding that she spends many hours wrapped in, her scent was unavoidable and totally overpowering. You headed north, towards her face, figuring it was the easiest and safest way to wake her up. As you drew nearer, you felt her breath wash over you like harsh winds that grew more violent the closer you got. Her pillow was like a steep hill, and you found yourself using crawling on all fours to scale it. By now her breath was blowing your hair back with each exhale, and almost pulling you in with each inhale. The ground you were standing on was noticeably damp from her drool which you tried to ignore as you took slow, careful steps even closer.

“Misha?” You whispered, “I have to pee!”

No response. You tried again, this time speaking louder and pressing into the pudgy flesh of her cheek. This earned you a slight recognition for your efforts in the form a lip twitch, but not enough to rouse the dormant giant. Looks like it’s time for more aggressive measures…
February 17