You wake up in the night...
· original author:
Despite the comfiness of the sock, you were lured back into consciousness by the urge to use the bathroom. Looking to the enormous interface of the digital alarm clock, you saw that it was 4am. You wriggled out of the sock and walked to the edge of the bedside table. Judging by the sight of Misha’s cheek scrunched up against her pillow, and the small pool of drool forming at the corner of her lip, it was safe to assume she was fast asleep. You felt bad for having to wake her, but when nature calls…

“Psst! Misha!” you whispered at first, hoping she was a light sleeper. But your calls were met with an even louder snore. It was as you feared; waking Misha was going to prove quite a task. “Misha!” You called slightly louder this time, but the result was the same as before. It was beginning to look like she would require some sort of physical intervention.

You looked around for something to throw, but her bedside table was frustratingly barren of projectiles; an alarm clock, a lamp and a box of tissues. None of these were small enough to be picked up and thrown by you. Your urge to pee grew as your options shrank, but then you noticed the wire connected to the alarm clock lead right down to the floor. You could climb down it and head to the bathroom yourself, no Misha needed! Of course, getting back up would be a challenge in of itself, and if you don’t have the muscular fortitude, you’d be stranded on the floor until the morning. Maybe it was best to wake the sleeping giant, after all. The space between the table and her bed wasn’t exactly huge; in lieu of any small throwable objects, you could always throw yourself to her bed and wake her up the simple - albeit dangerous - way.
February 17