Monica at Work
Three Wishes Chapter 29
Monica makes her commute to work in about 30 minutes and when she gets there she takes you out of her bra and places you on her desk. You look around see you are in a small cubicle with what appears to be 6 foot walls and a sliding translucent door which is closed. Monica is wearing a headset and you surmise that this is some kind of customer service center as she is on the phone constantly answering calls and typing away on a computer.

You start to walk around but her fingers descend on you and she picks you up and plays with you tickling your body while she is talking to a customer. She goes back to typing but uses one hand while her other hand sets you down and then pushes you on your back to play with you giving you a hard on.

This goes on for over an hour only giving you a break when she has a difficult call. She tells you during a short break "You are so cute I can't keep my hands off you." When she leaves the cubicle for a break she covers you over with a plastic tumbler on her desk and tells you not to move in case someone looks in while she is gone. She does the same thing when she goes to get her lunch and you are happy when she feeds you a bit from her lunch.

After lunch, she tells you that she has to do an in-service classroom training. She carries you to the women's bathroom and lowers her pants and sits on the toilet to relive herself. When she is done she wipe herself thoroughly and then places you in her panties against her pussy and says "Now be a good boy and get me horny so I can make it through this class." and she snaps the waistband back in place, redresses and returns to work.

You can hear the class going on and you work hard to try and keep her satisfied. She is sitting in the back of the room so not to fraw any unnecessary attention. You notice you must be doing a good job as she starts to get wet and you go at her even harder. After a little while she leaves the room during a break in the class to return to the woman's room. She take you out in the stall and says "Aren't you a naughty little one getting me hot and bothered in my class. Well, I'm going to give you sometime to rest up while I finish my class and we can continue this when we get home."

She takes you back to her cubicle and drops you in her purse and zips it shut. "Rest up, you'll need your strength tonight" she tells you as she stashes her purse away and returns to class.

She doesn't take you out again for hours. She arrives home and then she leave you in there even longer. Eventually she opens the purse and takes you out and you see she is wearing a thin tan lingerie slip with lace frill. "Time to eat and then we play" she tells you as the sight of her dressed like that gives you an instant hard-on.
August 17, 2023