Monica Takes You
Three Wishes Chapter 26
Monica thanks the girls for letting her talk you home and drops you in her purse. You heard Darla say "Remember, he can be your pet or slave but he's not your boyfriend. You have me." Monica hugs her and says "You'll always be my one and one". You hear a lot of noise and figure they are messing around and you just sulk in this girl's purse. It annoys you how you get handed around like a creature of no consequence.

Monica doesn't let you out of the purse until the next morning when she gets home and you see that she does live in a tiny studio apartment. This is basically a single room with a half wall separating the kitchen with a bathroom in the back. She sits down on her bed and hold you in front of her and say "I told them what they wanted to hear to get you. The minute I saw you I knew I had to have you. You are the most adorable perfect little man. I want to cuddle so bad" and she pushes you down between her ample breasts until nothing but your head is sticking out. Then she kisses her index finger and musses your fair with it. "You are all mine and she gets up to get a drink and something to eat.

She sits down at a very small table in the kitchen and sets you down next to her plate. She hands you a piece of her breakfast and says, "I got to keep my little lover boy fed." You stop eating and say "Wait a minute. I thought you are Darla had a thing going on." She laughs and says "I told you that I only told them what they wanted to hear. I'm bi who says I can't have both at the same time. Anyway, what Darla doesn't know won't hurt her."

She picks you back up and says "Now I am going to go to work today and I need to think where you will be cuddling with me this morning." as she goes to shower leaving you on the bed. You stay put because although she is acting a little weird, she's been fine with you. She finishes dressing and comes back to you and says "Now where will I put you?" and you realize she plans to cuddle with you all day. She repositions her top and pushes you back down between her boobs where you are firmly lodged. Your head is below the neck line of the shirt so you are invisible to anyone unless then look down her shirt.

You both leave and head out to her job as an administrative assistant at some tech company. When you get there she whispers to you "I'd love to take you out and play with you on my desk but I can't chance anyone seeing you so you'll stay down there." About mid-morning she goes into a bathroom that is a private unisex bathroom and locks the door. She sits down on the toilet and pull you out from her breasts and holds you in from of her face. "I know you were next to me but I missed you." she says as she kisses you over and over. She follows this by licking the sweat from you only to replace it with her saliva. She stuffs you back between her breasts and tells you "I really want to play with you after work." and she flushes and washes her hands before going back to work.

She doesn't take you out again until you get home that night and she doesn't waste anytime dropping you on the bed as she strips down to nothing but her panties. She picks you up and lies down in bed holding you over her head. She slowly lowers you down and kisses you over and over before saying "I really want to feel you...

August 17, 2023