Darla Returns with her Girlfriend.
Three Wishes Chapter 25
There is a noise and you see Darla finally back from her date with her girlfriend Monica. This new girl is thin and shorter than Darla with dark blond hair and brilliant blue eyes. They kiss as they close the door and Monica goes over and sits on the bed. She appears younger than Darla but you think that's just from her appearance. Darla looks over at you to see you are still conscious and says "Come here Monica. I got something new I want to show you. 

Monica comes over and is astonished to see me as Darla gives me a push and sends me swinging. "Hello", I say waving my arm and trying to be friendly. "What is that?" Monica asks. Darla replies "He's a little mousey boy. He's one of Sara's co-workers ex-boyfriend so basically he's nobody, just a little toy to play with."

Monica is amazed by your tiny size and gets closer to look at you as the swinging slows down. "What are you guys going to do with him?" she asked. "I don't know what I'm going to do with him yet. He's so small he's pretty much useless. Sara would keep him but she's afraid her boyfriend will get jealous and smash him. Ariel looks at you and says "Do you talk, tiny?" You look back at her and say "Of course I do. I'm human just like you but your friend thinks I'm a toy to play with." Monica giggles and says "His squeaky voice is so funny" and follows by running her finger down the length of your body giving you a chill up your spine. She laughs and gives you another push sending you swinging again.

She goes back to Darla and they resume kissing and undressing until they are both naked which is quite a sight for you. Suddenly Darla stops and comes over to you. She unhooks the string saying "no free peep show for you, She uses the loose string to wrap around your body incapacitating you. She opens a desk drawer and drops you in a plastic holder on top of some pens and pencils and closes the drawer. She goes back to Ariel on the bed and resumes their love making as you lie helplessly in the drawer.

When morning comes the drawer is opened and you see Monica's face looking down at you. "Shh" she tells you "Darla is still sleeping" She carefully unwraps the string and unties it freeing you. He finger comes down and pushes you onto your back and she uses the same finger to lightly stroke your body giving you a hard on. "You are so adorable." she tells you "I bet you'd make a great pet. "I'm not a pet" you tell her "I'm a man and I have a girlfriend. Sara kidnapped me and brought me here. I need your help." Monica giggles and you are aroused by her standing over you naked playing with you. "No" she answers you "You are a little pet man. You're too little to have a real girlfriend."

You are getting frustrated trying to get through to her and then Darla gets up and comes over smiling down at you. "Having fun with your little toy?" Monica lift her finger off me and looks at Darla saying "Seriously what are you going to do with him?" Darla responds "Well if he doesn't get killed by Sasha's boyfriend, I guess play with him kind of like a fidget toy until I get tired of him, or sick of having to take care of him. Maybe I'll give him away or just flush him down the toilet."

Monica give Darla a look that she does whenever she wants something and says "How about you let me take him. I want a pet and my apartment won't let me get a dog or cat. He'd be perfect." Darla thinks for a moment and says "Let me go ask Sasha what she thinks." and leaves the two of you alone. Monica turns her attention back at you and says "What about it cutie? Would you like to come home with me and be my pet. I just have a studio so there isn't much room but you don't need much so it will be perfect." You are getting annoyed that she won't listen and yell "Stop it! I need you to help me get out of here and to my girlfriend." 

She stares at you and uses her finger to pin you down to the desk to the point that the pressure hurts. "I think my little mousey boy needs some training to be a good pet but I know how to make you an obedient pet." Just then Sasha and Darla come back and they say... 

August 17, 2023