Monica puts you between her breasts for the night
Three Wishes Chapter 28
Monica sits on the side of bed holding you and says "Do you want to cuddle between my boobs with me tonight?" You don't want to go back in her panties so you say "yes" and she smiles at you and tells you "OK, but I want to feel you kissing me until I fall asleep. She removes her t-shirt exposing her bare breasts. Then she takes a thin leather necklace from her nightstand and wraps it around you like a harness and then puts it around her neck leaving you dangling at the end between her breasts.

I love feeling you there, so cute and all mine. She gets a pair of pajama shirt that buttons in the front and she buttons it halfway up. She lays back in bed and positions you on top of her breast. "I want to feel lots of kisses my tiny little cutie." and she shuts her light off leaving you in the dim light to kiss and caresses her to sleep. It doesn't take long for her to nod off leaving you still atop her breast and secured by the necklace. You slid down between her breasts and lie down to try and get some sleep yourself. She is a sound sleep and she stays on her back for the night.

However in the morning the sun comes in her window and she instinctively rolls on her side to block the sun. Her breasts shift and you are awakened as they come together trapping you between them. You struggle to get free but her breast has you pinned down and you can't even get a big enough breath to call out to her. There is a small crevice that you can get a little air from but that's it. You also think that if she moves any more she will suffocate you.

You are saved when her alarm goes off and she sits up freeing you from her boobs. She looks down at you dangling in front of her chest and says "Good morning cutie, time for a shower." She gets up and undresses and enters the bathroom with you still attached. She sits down on the toilet and hold you in her palm and asks "Did you enjoy sleeping with me?" You answer "It was nice but I almost suffocated when you rolled over."

Her thumb comes over a pins you against her palm and she says "You are such an exaggerator. Now tell me you loved it." You respond "No I'm telling you the truth. I could hardly breathe." She bring her finger up from her other hand and starts to tickle you "Don't lie. Tell me you loved it." You are laughing and squirming from her tickles and can take it and say "Yes, yes, I love it." She smiles and releases you to resume dangling and says "I knew you loved it." She gets up, wiping and flushing followed by going over and turn the shower on.

She steps into the shower naked with you still hanging in from of her and the hot water pounds at your tiny body. She picks you up and covers you with soap and rinses you off followed by giving you a big kiss across the face. "I'm going to kiss you all over" she tells you adding "and you are going to kiss me al over too." She releases you leaving you dangling and continues to wash herself. When she is finished, she dries off and dries you at the same time.

She goes back to her room to get dressed and she fortunately leaves you outside her outfit while she makes herself breakfast. She gets a bowl of cereal and finally takes you off and sets you down on the small kitchen table. She gives you a couple Rice Krispies to eat which you thank her for. You're still attached to the necklace which is knotted behind your back so there isn't anything you can do.

"Can I have some milk too" you ask and she gets a mischievous smile and picks up the necklace leaving you suspended in the air "Of course you can have some milk" she replies and lowers you down into her half eaten bowl soaking you in milk. She repeats this several times and says "You are so much fun. I could play with you all day but I have to go to work."

You ask "Can't I stay here today and rest up for tonight." She dries the milk off of you with a napkin and says "Nonsense, I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you. I want to keep you close to my heart." She puts the necklace back on with you still attached. She opens her shirt and pulls her bra away sliding you inside spread eagled over her nipple and releases the bra securing you inside. She fixes her shirt and then goes to the bathroom to do her make-up and make sure you aren't visible through her shirt.

"OK, All ready for a day at work with my favorite man right where I want him." she says aloud before she leaves for the office.
August 17, 2023